Lately, myself and my other half, one Mister Adequate, have taken to going back to old content and duo’ing it. The twist is that we’re both pure DPS classes (hunter and mage) so we have to make do without heals and that sort of thing.
Some stuff we’ve done so far!
- Everything left from Vanilla (Molten Core, AQ20/40, and BWL. That gimmicky first boss of BWL can go step on a lego.)
- Karazhan; a full clear took like thirty minutes. (Did I mention that Attumen FINALLY dropped that stupid necklace I’ve been wanting since TBC?)
- Gruuls
- Mags
- 10-man Obsidian Sanctum, with all three drakes up. Juuust barely.

Things We’ve Tried But Haven’t Cleared Yet:
- Sunwell Plateau, because the first boss is trolling us
We’re looking forward to doing the other 70 raids as well as giving 10man Naxx a shot. I’m not sure if that one can be cleared with our hunter/mage setup, due to various gimmicky fights (Razuvious, I’m looking at YOU), but it’s worth a shot, at least.
We’re getting all sorts of fun transmog stuff, anyway, plus mmmm, all that delicious nostalgia.
Anyone else having fun with old content?