Anyone who has been reading my blog for any length of time probably knows that I’m kind of a big nerd who comes up with stories and backgrounds and personalities for each of her WoW characters. That’s just how I’ve always been, and in fact, I’ll let you in on a little secret: it’s often one of the major things that keeps me playing a game. Perhaps even the #1 thing.
Yes, it’s true! Oftentimes long after I’ve found a certain game satisfying from a gameplay standpoint I’ll continue to return to it, again and again, because there’s something nice about seeing a character again. It’s like seeing an old friend. Like going back to a book that you’re emotionally invested in. Without that connection to a character, I’m usually not inspired to play said character – or game – very often.
I frequently hear people talk about how they’re in WoW because of their friends. I’m in WoW because of my friends, too. My friends are polygons, though. And I love ’em.