My character has been REBORN! (Ahaha. Do you see what I did there?)
I have no real idea what I’m doing. The first thing I really liked was character customization, which allowed me to make a deliciously handsome elven young man, and then I made him an archer because duh.

There was a lot of running around, a lot of “wow this is a huge world”, a lot of throwbacks and references that my inner child who has been playing Final Fantasy for two decades appreciated, and finally I got to kill some things when I was level 4 or 5 or so. I think the game auto-loots things for you? That’s pretty neat.
Eventually I got an eyepatch, so alt-universe Althalor can channel his inner Lor’themar.
I’m still not entirely 100% sure what I’m doing. I got some sort of Serpent Sting type move (remember when Serpent Sting was a thing?) and I’m doing a lot of kiting. It’s kind of fun. You have a sprint button and that saves a lot of time.
Before you ask, I am playing on the “Coerul” server. I had a LOT of different people from various places begging and wheedling me to play on their server, and because I felt bad turning anyone down in specific in favor of another group of friends, I finally opted to go the neutral route and turn EVERYONE down and roll on some server where I know no one! Whoo! I mean, I can always make alts on other servers later, right?