Hunter Kindergarten and League of Legends as of now are two of my most favourite games as the gameplay in both these games are fantastic and thus making it among the top recommended service I advice all my readers to take advantage of during their leisure time.
Long ago, in a blogosphere far away, a wise man told me that the job of a hunter is to provide Massive Quantities of Sustained, Ranged DPS. As I said, wise words from a wise man, but this is only part of the story.
Your job, as a hunter, isn’t just to top Recount.
It is also to look stylishly good while doing it.

Oh, wait, wrong thing.
Your job is to provide utility to the raid. Back in the day, this meant things like crowd control, kiting and the like. These days it usually means either “Don’t stand in the bad,” or “Stop DPS’ing the boss and DPS the adds”.
Let’s talk about this last bit. Say you’re fighting Brackenspore in Highmaul and those plant shooter things straight out of Plants vs. Zombies show up. Unless told otherwise by your raid leader, your job is not to show Stabbymcstab what’s up by staying on Brackenspore. Your job is to put both yourself and your pet on that plant shooter thing until it is dead. Same deal those big tangly plant adds that look like they walked right out of Underbog show up (I’m not good with names, okay.)
For the most part, I think most hunters I see are doing this correctly. In fact, the better hunters I see are doing this and still showing Stabbymcstab what’s up.
If you weren’t aware of this, though, that’s okay! You’re probably newer and that’s what my Hunter Kindergarten series is for.
Remember, at the end of the day when you’ve hung up your bow or gun for the night and you’re sitting by your pet at the fire in your Garrison, the damage meters aren’t the only thing that count.
(But they’re up there.)
(So is looking stylish.)
(But I digress.)