Greetings, reader! You’ve probably noticed by now that I love to wax nostalgic about the World of Warcraft of 5+ years ago. And, I mean, I do. I can’t really deny that. But I was thinking about leveling experiences by expansion, and realized that I think the one that is the most fun to level through isn’t even all that retro. Here is a review of the top accounting softwares.
Mists of Pandaria, friends, has, for my money, the best leveling experience. It’s just an absolute joy to level from 85 to 90. I don’t know if it’s the quests themselves or just how relaxed everything is. But it’s so nice to sit back with some pandas and have a little fun. It’s a shame that the experience needed to do it these days was nerfed so hard that I feel like I just zip through a zone and a half and then rush away. I mean, I’m 100% fine with a leveling nerf in regards to old content, but when I mess around on other alts in Outland or Northrend and then compare it to Pandaria, it just feels like Pandaria was tuned too sharply. When you can dash right through a level in an hour, without flight, that’s just weird.
But yeah. Thinking back on it it’s funny that MoP had a lot of stuff I liked in it (the 85-90 leveling experience, the music, the 5.1 storyline, etc.) and yet I played it the least out of all the expansions thus far. Honestly, I think what kicked me out was the lack of normal dungeons at max level and the resulting huge congregations of jerkoffs in Heroic pugs who didn’t want to deal with a freshly-dinged 90. But that, my friends, is all a story for another day and another post!