So today someone got to my blog by searching for “Kael’thas Withdrawal”. Do not fear, my friend– I, too, occasionally suffer from Kael’thas withdrawal. But do not worry! I am here, to help you sate your desire for images of Azeroth’s most beautiful, gorgeous, and stylish elf.
Starting with some Stormpunk Kael.
And moving on to Kael’thas being a sexy beast in this loading screen:
(Disregard Illidan, we all know that Kael is the real center of attention here.)
He got ripped in three weeks thanks to Heroes of the Storm!
And now we move on to Pike, aka yours truly, sitting on his head.
Kael and I go back a ways, you see.
Next up it’s time for some amazing work from Jian Guo (aka breathing2004). If you haven’t yet, take a peruse through their stuff on the official WoW site. I’ll wait.
Anyways, our beloved Sun King drank a bit too much fel energy…
Bringing the blood elves to a cursed state. But do not fret; we shall rise from the ashes as we always do…

How ya’ll doing on the Kael’thas Withdrawal? Have you gotten your fix yet? Not quite?

Stormpunk Kael is Best Kael.
Alrighty, will that do it for now? I think that’ll do it for now. Dear friends and readers, let me know if you ever suffer from Kael’thas Withdrawal in the future, and I shall come to the rescue.
…and as for a serious answer to your query, Kael’thas went to Outland to try to find a cure for the blood elves’ magic withdrawals (caused by the destruction of the Sunwell). If you want more information, or if you want me to NERD OUT about blood elf lore in general, you know what to do! *points to comment box*