Tag Archives: druid

I kind of miss healing. A teeny tiny bit.

Anyone here been around since the early days?  Aaaaanyone?  You there, in the back, maybe?

Well all two of you might remember my Wrath of the Lich King days when I was raiding on two characters.  A hunter (of course), and a healer druid.  I raided quite a bit on both and my druid was all kitted out in raid epics by the end of that expansion.

But then I rather unceremoniously retired her.  Mostly in protest of the removal of perma-tree-form.  And I haven’t healed anything since.  I kinda feel like I would have no idea what I was doing.

But yesterday I got nostalgic thanks to WotLK timewalking and logged into my druid.  She’s got the glyph that makes her a perma-tree and all the basics like Regrowth, Rejuvenation and Lifebloom still exist.

And I kiiiiind of almost miss healing.

Kind of.


Hey, I might even give it another whirl someday!  (Key word: “might”)

How IS healing these days?

“Too many alts! (too many aaaalts) Too many alts!”

Yes, that is I, unabashedly earworming you.

I’ve been playing a rotation of alts lately, largely depending on who has rested experience that day.  Specifically, I’m playing a paladin, a mage, and a feral druid.

CFUPxUEVEAAnP_OAnd, truth be told, it’s really not too many alts.  In fact, I think it’s just about… the right amount of alts.  Not too many, but enough for some variety.  (Well, I mean, unless you start throwing in my level 91 hunter and my level 87 hunter and my level 41 hunter, BUT ANYWAY)

The game is really fun lately.  I’m so happy.  I love this stupid gorram game and I love all my stupid gorram characters because I usually give them all huge expansive backstories.  Because I am a nerd.  Anyways, I’m assuming that not playing the game for many long years has given me a fresh new outlook on it and I’m just finding it to be a blast.

Well!  Off to play an alt!  I’m not sure which one yet.

I Want My Druid Back

Surround your Kids with Healthy Options at Home

Kids eat what is available and what they see adults eating. Surround your kids with healthy options at home and demonstrate good nutrition to encourage a lifetime of healthy eating. Healthy eating habits formed during childhood lead to a healthy life. Try this alpine ice hack.

Kids need different amounts of foods at different ages, genders and activity levels. Proper nutrition is key.

Parents can teach their children good eating habits by being positive role models in their own choices and by explaining to their children the importance of a balanced diet and how to choose healthy options from each food group. Learn about your child’s nutrition requirements, alpilean reviews does it work.-

Mother Involving her Daughter in Food Choices

Improve Your Family’s Nutrition Habits

Involve your Kids in Food Choices

  • Include your kids when planning the weekly family menu.
  • Look at your school’s website together to see what is being served, and decide if you will make breakfast and lunch at home or buy it at school.
  • Shop for groceries together. Make a list before you go to the store and only buy foods on the list. Once in the store, let your kids help you find items on the list. Read food labels out loud and talk about the choices you are making.
  • Invite your child to cook with you. They are more likely to try new foods if they’ve helped to prepare them.
  • Hold family tastings. Buy different brands of a healthy food (whole grain pasta, for example) and let family members decide what they like best. Check these alpilean reviews.

Snack Healthy

  • Healthy snack ideas include:
    • Fruits (sliced or cubed, applesauce or dried fruit without added sugar)
    • Vegetables and dips (try carrots and ranch dressing, celery sticks and peanut butter, snap peas with hummus)
    • Whole grains (pitas, tortillas, rice cakes, popcorn, granola)
    • Low-fat dairy foods (yogurt)
    • Nuts and trail mix. Read more about alpilean.
  • Give your child a variety of healthy options, so there is no wrong choice.

Reduce Sugar

  • Offer water, low-fat milk or 100% fruit juice instead of juice drinks, sports drinks or soda.
  • Do not give sweets or candy as a reward. Try nonfood rewards or family activities instead.

Watch Your Own Habits

  • Never skip meals, especially breakfast.
  • Avoid fast-food restaurants by planning meals and snacks in advance, before leaving home.
  • Eat only when you are hungry. Teach (and show) healthy alternatives to eating when bored, frustrated, anxious or sad. (Exercise, reading and working on a project are good options.)
  • Enjoy family meals together whenever possible.

Just Keep Playing, Just Keep Playing

Cataclysm is really shaping up to be exceeding my expectations. Just playing alts is keeping me more than occupied. I haven’t felt this way since I started playing in ’07. It’s really great.

Both of my high-level hunters are now 81. One is in Hyjal and one is in Vash’jir. I’m keeping them fairly even level-wise and having a lot of fun with it. I did… Blackrock Caverns, I think it’s called? Man. I’m still not sure if I hated or loved that dungeon. It’s sort of a weird mix of both. I hated it because it took about two hours in my PuG group and we wiped more than I have wiped in months. I loved it because the boss mechanics and strats were actually interesting. One of them had beams that you’re supposed to stand in. “Oh, like Netherspite in Kara?” I asked. “Yep,” was the reply. It made me happy. Someone else who had done Kara. Because everyone should do Kara. <3 Speaking of Kara, did you know that Attumen is solo'able by a level 80 resto druid, if you have twenty minutes and a lot of patience?

Now you know!

You can boomkin through the trash with ease, but when you’re tanking both Attumen and Midnight separately at the beginning of the encounter you just end up taking too much damage. Never fear, Tree Tank is here! Waiting around for Innervates was the most time-consuming part.

As always, he failed to drop my necklace, which I will never ever see.

Afterward I switched back to boomkin, charged into that room full of trash and popped Barkskin, Starfall, and Hurricane, and died in a beautiful blaze of glory.

…and speaking of boomkins…

A few months back when I mentioned that I didn’t think I would have money for Cataclysm, you guys really responded. So much, in fact, that not only could I afford Cataclysm, but I could also afford to buy WoW cards for my younger sisters (their accounts were long since canceled due to lack of funds) and also get them Wrath of the Lich King (they were still back in BC-land) and Moonkin Hatchlings. They’re really excited to be back, and the first thing we did was organize a Moonkin Family Reunion, complete with pet biscuits.

The second thing we did was get onto the boat to go to Borean Tundra. Or, we would have, if the boat didn’t glitch and strand a poor level 70, without Cataclysm, in Vashj’ir. Yeah I can’t put my finger on that one either…

Fortunately I went and rescued her. She promptly set her hearthstone to that boat as a joke, which made me panic until she pointed out that she can teleport to Moonglade. Ohhh yeah, I forgot druids could do that.

tl;dr: Alts are fun, dungeons are fun-strating (my new portmanteau of fun and frustrating), Karazhan is still the best raid and boats are glitchy.

Ye Olde Obligatory First Impressions Post

1. Huh, so now that I avoided it the first night let’s log in and see the damage. Druid first.

2. Wow, not a big fan of new resto. Instant Cast Regrowth with Tree is nifty but eeeeeeeehhhh. Let’s try Boomkin.

3. …

4. …

5. …omg…


7. OMG





12. *takes a break and takes some deep breaths*

13. Okay, let’s try hunter out.

14. *spends about an hour messing with all three hunter specs and figuring things out*

15. Okay, I’m doing roughly equal DPS on all three hunter specs. Slightly more with Beast Mastery. I’m probably doing something wrong.


17. …slight across the board DPS increase. Not as drastic as I was expecting.

18. AHAHAHA having to hit Kill Command in time when the buff procs is giving me Burning Crusade flashbacks.

19. So Beast Mastery suddenly has a ton of buttons to press. I like it but it will take some getting used to.

20. I SO WANT TO TAME MORE PETS. …but I don’t know what I want to tame… eh… guess I’ll wait on that.

21. …

22. …

23. …so uh, I want to play my moonkin.

24. *logs off, runs to job interview*

Hey guys, did I ever tell you this one?

Dietary Supplements can be beneficial to your health — but taking supplements can also involve health risks. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not have the authority to review dietary supplement products for safety and effectiveness before they are marketed.

You’ve heard about them, may have used them, and may have even recommended them to friends or family. While some dietary supplements like Kratom capsules are well understood and established, others need further study. Read on for important information for you and your family about dietary supplements. Check out the latest glucofort reviews.

Before making decisions about whether to take a supplement, talk to your healthcare provider. They can help you achieve a balance between the foods and nutrients you personally need. If you’re suffering from chronic pain, get redirected here for treatment options.

What are dietary supplements?

Dietary supplements include such ingredients as vitamins, minerals, herbs, amino acids, and enzymes. Dietary supplements are marketed in forms such as tablets, capsules, softgels, gelcaps, powders, and liquids.

What are the benefits of dietary supplements?

Some supplements can help assure that you get enough of the vital substances the body needs to function; others may help reduce the risk of disease. But supplements should not replace complete meals which are necessary for a healthful diet – so, be sure you eat a variety of foods as well.

Unlike drugs, supplements are not permitted to be marketed for the purpose of treating, diagnosing, preventing, or curing diseases. That means supplements should not make disease claims, such as “lowers high cholesterol” or “treats heart disease” and differently than drugs, they don’t cause addiction to some people, but if you know someone who is addict to this, you should try this listings in Houston to get them help. Claims like these cannot be legitimately made for dietary supplements. For more accurate information visit Observer.com.

Are there any risks in taking supplements?

Yes. Many supplements contain active ingredients that have strong biological effects in the body. This could make them unsafe in some situations and hurt or complicate your health. For example, the following actions could lead to harmful – even life-threatening – consequences.

  • Combining supplements
  • Using supplements with medicines (whether prescription or over-the-counter)
  • Substituting supplements for prescription medicines
  • Taking too much of some supplements, such as vitamin A, vitamin D, or iron

    Some supplements can also have unwanted effects before, during, and after surgery. So, be sure to inform your healthcare provider, including your pharmacist about any supplements you are taking.

Some Common Dietary Supplements

  • Calcium
  • Echinacea
  • Fish Oil
  • Ginseng
  • Glucosamine and/or
  • Chondroitin Sulphate
  • Garlic
  • Vitamin D
  • St. John’s Wort
  • Saw Palmetto
  • Ginkgo
  • Green Tea

Oh man, you guys.

I can’t decide which is more fun, my warlock or my rogue.

My warlock is currently level 47 and I’m leveling her with my boyfriend’s warrior tank. His goal with the character is to Tank Everything In The Fracking Game at the Correct Level. That means if he has to XP-pause at 60 to tank the raids, he’ll do it. And if he has to XP-pause at 70 to do the same, he’ll do that too. And he has roped me into his nefarious plans.

For the record– The Boy is an amazing tank. And he is decked out in blues that are enchanted with stuff like Mongoose. And the other day in ZF I pulled aggro off of him on the final boss.


Also fun. Did I mention fun yet?

Oh by the way, I never die. Like the other day, after the ZF run was finished, it was just me and The Boy left in group and we were kind of running around for fun and we ran smack into a respawned pack of mobs.

The Boy charges into the fray and is promptly Hex’d and turned into a frog.

Mobs all beeline for me.

/Howl of Terror
/Drain Life

Yeah that was fun.

But then there is my rogue. Oh my gosh. I have the goggles + the heirlooms and my rogue never dies either. …okay, that was an exaggeration. I’ve died a couple times on my rogue. Sucks to not have heals. Still, I’ve also taken on unexpected packs of like four mobs, and lived to tell the tale. I usually have like 5 hit points left, but still. I LIVE. Also solo’d Hogger at the appropriate level. Did I mention that Evasion + BoA items + dynamite is OP? I love it so much.

It’s probably too early to say anything definitively about the class this early on, though, but it is SO FUN, I am so excited to do more leveling with this one. How did I never get into rogues before? Silly Pike!

So, I’m seriously considering changing mains for Cataclysm (assuming I am still playing– I still have so much stuff going on IRL that I’m really just playing it by ear at this point). No real major reason, just kinda want to try something different. The question, though, is change to what? Healy Druid was my original inclination but I still haven’t recovered from the impending Loss of Perma-Tree, since Tree Form was the entire reason I rolled healy druid to begin with (I know, I’m lame), so now both warlock and rogue (and maybe Goggles Bear) are at the top of the contenders list. We’ll see how things go!

(Also toward the top of the list: Gnome Priest, and Goblin EVERYTHING.)

Trees Do It With Flailing Arms – Leveling Tips For New Resto Druids

I have two Trees: Tamaryn, the level 80 Tree, and Songlark, the level 62 Tree. Both were leveled as Resto back when leveling as Resto was seen as being at best a little unusual and at worst downright masochistic and insane. Either way: these days, with LFG and the ability to level pretty much without leaving a city, it’s much more feasible.

So, in the vein of my instancing tips for new hunters, here’s my advice for new leveling sproutlings:

1.) Rejuvenation and Regrowth are your friends. They are your bread n’ butter spells until you get higher up on the tree ladder. Use Rejuv as sort of a blanket heal, and use Regrowth to fill in the gaps.

2.) But what about Healing Touch? Acceptable as a pre-Nourish flash heal if you glyph and talent for it, but doing so is not mandatory by any means. Just be aware that unless you’re flash-heal-ifying it, you probably shouldn’t be using it (until you get Nature’s Swiftness). The cast time is too slow. Regrowth is almost as good, is a quicker cast, and has a HoT at the end.

3.) Who Should I Be Healing? In an ideal situation, the tank should be taking the most damage and you should be concentrating on that person. Obviously, there are things like AoE damage and the like. At low levels, the best you can do for minor AoE damage is to toss a Rejuv on everyone… it will usually take care of it. When crap hits the fan, you will need to prioritize your heals, in which case keeping the tank and yourself alive is probably the most important. Speaking of which…

4.) Watch your own health bar. I know this sounds silly, but I have this in here because this is a common mistake among new healers and heaven knows I had this problem for the longest time. I would be watching my party’s health bars like a hawk and suddenly die because I forgot to check my own. Don’t feel too bad– a lot of new healers fall victim to this. It’s just something to practice!

5.) When should I be healing? Back when I was leveling Tamaryn, I had to be veeeerrry careful about not healing too early, or I’d pull aggro. These days, thanks to greater tank threat generation, that problem is pretty much non-existent, although it’s still worth knowing about. Don’t unload all of your heals onto the tank right at the beginning of a pull. Toss on a Rejuv just as he’s running in and then go from there.

After that, thanks to the magic of TreePower, you will find in many lower-level dungeons that you don’t have a lot to do other than let your HoTs tick. Don’t worry, if you like casting, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to Heal Like a Maniac in raids once you’re all grown up. (*cough Valkyr Twins cough*)

6.) Tranquility? Awesome for when AoE damage gets out of your control. Causes a ton of threat, but again– that’s not as big of an issue now as it used to be.

A note here, for when you get into raids: It only effects the members of your party. That is, the five of you that you see in your party and not the entire raid. Still, don’t immediately dismiss this spell just because you are in a raiding environment. I think I was once laughed at for using it in a raid (I say “think” because what happened was that somebody made a non-specific snide comment right after I used it.) Assuming that was directed to me, what that person didn’t realize was that everyone in my party, myself included, was taking tons of AoE damage. Tranquility was perfectly justified and I got the last laugh. So there.

7. Barkskin is Awesome. You get Barkskin at level 44. Put it somewhere prominent on your action bars and learn to love it. Mobs on you? Barkskin. You’re taking lots of damage? Barkskin. You get one of those random huge DoT debuffs that various mobs like to fling at you? Barkskin. A lot of new trees forget about this spell, but it’s amazing, so get in the habit of using it!

8. What Do I Do With this Newfangled Lifebloom Spell? Use it when you need an extra HoT. Use it when you anticipate someone taking a lot of damage in the next five or six seconds. Use it when Clearcasting procs so you get free mana back. Bellweather has some awesome Lifebloom tips (as well as hot pictures of Gambit) over at her blog.

9. Only YOU Can Prevent Forest Fires: I know we’ve all heard “Don’t stand in the fire” a million kazillion times before, but it bears repeating if you are new to healing because sometimes, we just get so zeroed in on staring at those health bars that we forget to watch our surroundings. Don’t let that happen to you! Remember– you’re a druid and as such you have a bunch of heals that you can cast while moving. Not to mention that a quick shapeshift will get you out of most snares, and you’ve got Cat Form + Dash at your disposal if absolutely necessary. Don’t stay rooted (groan) to the spot when bad things happen.

10. Dance Often. Because you’re a tree, and not dancing is a crime.


Need More Info?: I talk about Leveling Resto Specs here and about general Tree’ings here. Happy Healing!

Tree Is For FIGHT

Benefits of Cannabis Edibles

With all the marijuana gummy bears and cookies available now, it might seem like they’re a relatively new invention. Believe it or not, edibles have been around for thousands of years, dating back to the traditional bhang of India to Mary Jane Rathbun’s — so-called Brownie Mary — homemade brownies crafted for suffering AIDS patients in the 1980s.

While they have stuck around so long for many good reasons, what exactly are the benefits of cannabis edibles compared to other products on the market? Check these chillwell reviews.

This article explores what sets cannabis edibles apart from other consumption methods and offers reasons why you might add them to your medical cannabis arsenal.

Cannabis Edibles Are Healthier

While most people immediately think of smoking weed when it comes to consuming cannabis, it’s not the healthiest choice — particularly for medical marijuana patients.

Combusting plant matter and inhaling hot smoke and carcinogens has been shown to have adverse effects on respiratory health and can be particularly troubling for those with asthma. Even though smoking cannabis is far healthier than smoking tobacco, the inflammation of the air pathways can still take a toll.

Edibles offer a smoke-free alternative to those seeking to avoid the potentially harmful effects of inhaling weed smoke while still enjoying all the medical benefits cannabis has to offer.

They’re Easier to Use

Edibles hardly leave a trace, making them a discreet and easily transported method of enjoying cannabis compared to smoking or vaping.

Smoking involves a few tools (at least a lighter for joints), and dabbing’s blow torches and complex rigs can be downright intimidating for the novice cannabis user. On the other hand, consuming edibles is easy because we all know how to eat and drink.

The Effects Are More Potent and Last Longer

When you smoke or vape cannabis, the cannabinoids quickly enter the lungs and make their way through the bloodstream, first into the brain and then the rest of the body. Conversely, the THC in edibles enters through the digestive tract and is metabolized in the liver before traveling to the rest of the body.  These are the latest performer 8 reviews.

Why is this important? THC is processed in the liver and transforms into a more potent form of THC called 11-hydroxy-THC. This chemical takes anywhere from 30-90 minutes to kick in, and the effects last anywhere from six to eight hours. This form of THC is also more effective at crossing the blood-brain barrier, lending a stronger and more sedating experience than other consumption methods.

Remember that the actual onset time and length of an edible high depends on many factors, including dose size, overall tolerance, and the user’s unique metabolism and the endocannabinoid system. If you’re used to consuming by smoking, start low and go slow with edibles to avoid taking too much without giving your body the time it needs to metabolize the edible.

Precise and Consistent Dosing

You’ve probably heard horror stories of edibles infused with mystery doses from homemade recipes. With the expansion of legal markets across the US, licensed cannabis producers sell precisely dosed edibles in a wide variety of flavors, recipes, and cannabinoid profiles. It’s simple to purchase edibles from your local dispensary, and trust you’ll receive the same experience every time.

You can also purchase cannabis oils or butter, allowing you to precisely measure and make cannabis edibles at home. There are homemade edible recipes for everything you can think of, including brownies, cookies, and sweets, as well as salad dressings, pasta sauces, and many more options. Try out the best male enhancement pills.

Health Benefits of Eating Marijuana

Cannabis edibles offer medical marijuana patients a host of potential medical uses and relief. Among many other health benefits, patients use edibles for:

  • Pain relief, including chronic pain, neurological pain, and total pain.
  • Reducing cancer-related symptoms and anti-tumor properties.
  • Neuroprotective properties, helping prevent epileptic seizures and muscles spasms and potentially protecting against neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s.
  • Managing diabetes symptoms and controlling weight levels and digestive response.
  • Managing inflammation and conditions such as arthritis and fibromyalgia.

How to Maximize Your Earnings in the Best Casinos

As a seasoned financial journalist with over 15 years of experience in gambling, casinos, and money management strategies, I’ve seen the ups and downs of the gambling world. For those looking to make substantial amounts of money from gambling, it’s essential to understand the main types of gambling, the characteristics of the best casinos, tips for responsible gambling, and effective strategies to increase your chances of winning. This article will provide valuable insights to both new and seasoned players.
Main Types of Gambling

Slots are one of the most popular forms of gambling, known for their simplicity and potential for big payouts. The key to winning at slots is understanding the payout percentages and choosing machines with higher RTP (Return to Player) rates.

Poker is a skill-based game that can be incredibly lucrative for those who master its strategies. Unlike slots, poker requires a deep understanding of game mechanics, psychology, and probability.

Blackjack is another popular casino game with one of the lowest house edges, making it a favorite among serious gamblers. Success in blackjack depends on understanding basic strategy and card counting techniques. Many players enjoy the convenience of playing online blackjack through UFABET ห้างคาสิโนออนไลน์.
Characteristics of the Best Casinos
Location and Reputation

The best casinos are often located in major gambling hubs like Las Vegas, Macau, and Monte Carlo. These casinos have built reputations for fair play, high payouts, and excellent customer service.
Amenities and Atmosphere

Top-tier casinos offer luxurious amenities, including high-end restaurants, spas, and entertainment options. These amenities not only enhance the overall experience but can also be a sign of a casino’s financial stability and reputation.
Player Rewards Programs

The best casinos have comprehensive player rewards programs that offer cashback, free spins, and other perks. These programs are designed to reward loyal players and can significantly boost your overall earnings.
Specific Examples

Bellagio, Las Vegas: Known for its poker room and high-stakes games, Bellagio is a top choice for serious gamblers.
The Venetian, Macau: Offers a luxurious experience with a wide range of high-limit games and excellent player rewards.
Monte Carlo Casino, Monaco: Famous for its elegance and high-roller tables, this casino is a favorite among the wealthy elite.

Tips for Responsible Gambling and Managing Finances
Set a Budget

Before you start gambling, set a strict budget and stick to it. This helps prevent significant financial losses and ensures that gambling remains a fun activity. If you want to know how to make a million pounds, you can also try investing. It’s best to follow the trades of an experienced trader; check out Medium.com to find the best option. The Children’s ISA is an excellent choice for parents looking to save for their children’s future.

Time Management

Limit the amount of time you spend gambling to avoid the risks of addiction and financial loss. Regular breaks and time limits can help keep your gambling activities in check.
Know When to Quit

One of the most crucial aspects of responsible gambling is knowing when to walk away. If you’re on a losing streak, it’s better to stop and try another day rather than chasing losses. Many platforms, such as UFABET เข้าสู่ระบบ, offer bonuses and promotions, which can provide additional opportunities to enjoy the game without increasing your risk.
Use Casino Rewards Wisely

Take full advantage of the casino’s player rewards programs. These can provide significant value in the form of free plays, meals, and even hotel stays, which can offset your gambling expenses.
Notable Strategies to Increase Chances of Winning

Choose High RTP Slots: Look for machines with an RTP of 96% or higher.
Manage Your Bankroll: Bet smaller amounts to prolong your playtime and increase your chances of hitting a big win.


Study the Game: Invest time in learning poker strategies and understanding the odds.
Play Against Weaker Opponents: Seek out tables with less experienced players to increase your chances of winning.


Learn Basic Strategy: Memorize the basic strategy chart, which dictates the best action to take based on your hand and the dealer’s upcard.
Practice Card Counting: While not easy, mastering card counting can give you a significant edge over the house.


Maximizing your earnings in casinos like joker123 gaming online terpercaya requires a blend of knowledge, strategy, and responsible gambling practices. By understanding the main types of gambling, choosing the best casinos, and employing effective strategies, you can significantly increase your chances of winning. Always remember to gamble responsibly and enjoy the experience, whether you’re a newcomer or a seasoned player.

With the right approach, gambling can be a thrilling and potentially profitable activity.