Category Archives: fun

This Is What I'm Doing With My Film Degree

Before you ask…

– The song is called “Bucket!” and I wrote it. A 100%-Pike creation I made in 2003 when screwing around with a program that was then called FruityLoops. The original movie of this that I made used the songs “I’ve Been Everywhere” by Johnny Cash and “I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles)” by The Proclaimers but YouTube threw copyright notices in my face and disabled the music, so in protest I am using an original song that I’ve been sitting on for years, waiting for a good time to use it. I think it works well.

– Yes I know there’s easier methods to get this achievement. Not nearly so fun though!

– See the big shadows on the ground starting at 3:38? There are supposed to be buildings there. And people wonder why I eat flame walls… *mutters*

Tawyn and Wash do the Safety Dance


It all started when The Safety Dance came on my playlist and it got me thinking about the Heigan part of my “Eyes of the Beast” post… and then a light bulb went off in my head and I went dashing for the nearest pencil and paper. This was my first “real” try using a computer to ink and color a hand-drawn sketch (thanks once again to GIMP!) and it turned out a lot better than I thought it would. In fact, the hardest part was finding a good background of Heigan’s room that didn’t have a bunch of, well, people in it.

Next time I do Heigan I’m going to see if I can get a nice screenshot of the floor with the green fire on either side and I’ll set it to that, then I might try tossing it to the Blizz fanart folks just for the heck of it.

Anyways, I hope it made you smile. ^_^

Eyes of the Beast: What Your Pet Is Really Thinking (Repost)

(I am reposting this since it literally disappeared off the face of my blog, comments and all, about six hours after I posted it on the morning of April 3rd. I have no idea how or why it happened, and I am sad to say that the original twentysome comments that were left on it and that I have copies of in my Inbox… cannot be recovered. My apologies for the extraordinarily bizarre mixup >.<)

washportrait1Recently Tawyn got in touch with an engineer of some repute and was able to fit out her raptor, Wash, with an extraordinary and experimental communication collar. The collar recorded the thoughts in Wash’s head– thoughts he couldn’t otherwise vocalize due to the limitations of his facial muscles. She let Wash wear this collar to a recent raid on Naxxramas, and upon playing it back later she was… surprised… at what she heard…

Giant spidery things. Great. I was looking forward to that all morning. Have I mentioned lately that I’m arachnophobic? Just a wee bit? I don’t get why all these joints gotta be scary, anyways. One of these days I’d like to raid Fluffywing Lai– OOOOOO KIBLER’S BITS GIMME GIMME GIMME AHAHA MMMMMMMM I LOVE YOU ^_^

Grand Widow Faerlina
Hey there babe. I can see why all those adds hang out next to you. Perhaps you’d like to… add me to that list? Eh? Eh? …oh come on it wasn’t that bad of a pun, now why are you flinging fireballs around? What did I ever do to you? Meh, at least you’re not a giant spider.

…you’ve gotta be kidding me.

Noth the Plaguebringer

Ugh I’m glad I’m out of that spider zone and we can move on to something slightly more normal. This guy here, looks like a normal tank’n’spank. You know, like the good ol’ times. In fact I… OHCRAPSKELETONS

Heigan the Unclean
WHOO you can smell this guy from a mile away. Hasn’t taken a bath in weeks I’m sure. As for dancing, I’ll show you how it’s OHMYGOSHDISEASEGETITOFFGETITOFF ahhhh… that was a close one. Okay, now for my dance moves. And one and two and AHHHHHHHPOISONPOISONPOISON phew. Okay, at this rate, I’m never gonna be able to demonstrate my dance, so perhaps if I GAHNOTAGAINTHISGUYNEEDSAMISTERYUKSTICKER

Oh sure, you get all the spores and the crit. I’ll just sit here, crying myself to sleep /huff

Ooooh Cobra Strikes you say? Wellllll maybe we can work something out here…

Instructor Razuvious
So wait, I don’t get to use one of the mind control thingies? But I would be so good at it! Look at these! These are what we in the industry call “opposable thumbs”. At least, I think they are…

Gothik the Harvester
Wha… I’m on… Defensive? Huh… …huh… …huh. I feel odd.

Four Horsemen

So lemme get this straight: I just sit here, while you shoot a guy in the face. By yourself. While everyone else is on the other end of the room. I totally don’t get you sometimes. Look, I’m gonna at least go help you eat him… AAAAHHHH IT BURNS. Okay… never mind… I’ll just sit here, I guess… twiddling my aforementioned opposable thumbs…


So I know this guy is scary and all but does it really give you an excuse to keep running off to the wall? Okay, I’ll tell ya what. Ol’ Washy will take care of it. You go stand by the wall, and I’ll Claw the guy to death. K? K. Oooh, pretty green circle. *zap*

WHOA WHOA WHOA, waitaminute. First spiders. Then skeletons. Now zombies? I don’t think so. I’m just gonna sit up here in this tube until it’s all over. Sound like a plan? …DON’T YOU DARE SPAM PASSIVE AT ME!!

Okay, okay, you can quit with the Passive spam already, I got the point on the last fight. Hahaha, look at you poor suckers running back and forth. More proof of the superiority of us pets and being immune to everything ^_^ Oh, right, that Heigan guy. Never mind.

Okay, so this Kel’Thuzad guy who owns the place… he’s really gotta start paying his power bill. I mean, I understand the economy is bad right now, I’m a knowledgeable dinosaur, but really, when everything is covered in a, ya know, sheet of ice, it’s time to make some concessions. There’s only so far the ice sculptures can go before they get tacky, anyway. Oh, hey Sapph, ‘Ice to meet you. [Here Tawyn /facepalms]

Banshees now? Tawyn, my fragile psyche would like to thank you for this excursion into my nightmares. Maybe we can get Locke to come next time and I’ll take a nice long break and…

Oooh, is that KT?

…can we Bestial Wrath now? Please? Pleeeeeease?


Tawyn, this looks like the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

[End transmission]

Make a Title, Any Title

The Twitterati and I had a brief discussion about titles that weren’t in the game, but that we’d love to have regardless. Klinderas was fond of “Klinderas the Black” and Rilgon likes the ring of “Grand Master Engineer Rilgon”.

What about Pike?


Tawyn of the Violet Eye.

Now if this were a real title, say, one you got at Exalted, I’ve no doubt a lot of raider types would shun this one due to the “CPT. KRZHN” stigma. It would be akin to running around with “Conqueror of Deadmines”* as your title or something. I say, screw that. If I had “Hand of A’dal” and could choose between that and “Of the Violet Eye”, I’d choose “Of the Violet Freakin’ Eye“. My rabid fangirly love of everything involving Medivh, Karazhan, and their lore wants to be sated. It wants it badly. Please Blizz? Like, at least a tabard? /plead

My other title would be Hunter Trainer. C’mon, that’d be awesome. Admit it.

Grand Master Alchemist wouldn’t be that bad either, really.

What about you guys? What title does your character want? (Feel free to answer either in a comment, or your own blog post =D)

* FYI, I would totally run around with that one too.



Left to right, top to bottom:

Tux, Level 80; Locke, Level 80; Eltanin, Level 79; Wash, Level 80
Alyosha, Level 70; Ivan, Level 70; Serenity, Level 70; Dmitri, Level 70
Kolya, Level 33; Regulus, Level 38; Alnair, Level 39; Chakapas, Level 37
Clifford, Level 18; Fiskars, Level 18; Scraps, Level 14; Niels, Level 16

And yes, there’s more. Though they are sadly attached to hunters who I don’t play as often. (The pets of six different hunters are represented in this quilt.)

…and yes, looking at this picture fills me with warm fuzzies. <3

News Flash: Pike Is Creepy and a Weirdo!

I was sitting around in Stormwind and LFG trying to get into an easy heroic for badges since my new project is to kit all my alts out in Heirloom items. And just my luck, a random person proclaiming “LF1M DPS for Heroic UK!”

I whispered him. “I’ll go!”

No response for a good two minutes. I refreshed the Heroic UK LFG pane. He was still sitting there with three other group members.

I whispered him again. “No really! I provide massive quantities of shot rotation and even a trap or two, and I’ll also bring this [Lovely Cake]!”

No response. I refreshed LFG. An elemental shaman had popped up, and about ten seconds later, he and the original group of four were gone. I sighed and, admittedly a bit peeved for not even getting a single acknowledgment, sent one final whisper. “Well, good luck with your Heroic.”

And for the first time I got a reply. “Good luck with not being creepy to people you don’t know, you weirdo.”*

So-and-so is ignoring you.


Then I burst out laughing. I told my guild and we all had a good laugh. My goodness. This is what happens when you try to be silly and fun in LFG I guess. My bad for forgetting that this video game is serious business.

I got back in LFG. “DPS LF any heroic. Rumors of my creepiness have been greatly exaggerated. PST.”

Got a whisper from a level 65. “I wish I was a higher level so I could run with you, just for that. That’s all I’m gonna say.”

I said, “I’ve got a resto druid your level. Wanna do something?”

One Mana Tombs later and the druid got a level. All’s well that end’s well.

*Heavily translated from the original, very broken English