Category Archives: fun

Things I Suck At

1. PvP servers. All of my hordies reside on The Venture Co., an RP-PvP server, and they began there as an experiment to see if I could handle PvP servers. Two years later I have come to realize that I really can’t, at least not while keeping my sanity intact, but at this point I have too much invested in the server and all my characters there to really move or anything. And so, I log on, take a deep breath, have my spammable /hug macro at the ready, and head out into the scary world of red text above peoples’ names. I still suck at it though.

2. Saying goodbye to WoW blogs. Always a bittersweet moment for me, I’m happy to see people move on with their life but lately I’ve just been reeling at the growing realization that, in a way, I really feel like one of the last of the “old-school” WoW bloggers. I’m never quite sure what to make of it, other than I sort of feel like the pressure to deliver good content (and to keep-blogging-forever, to fill the void… oh dang, I see your ruse now, blogosphere! /shakes-fist) is continually rising. Anyways, go say farewell to Mr. Slow Wolf, now, and thank him for being one of the (very) few remaining Beast Master hunter bloggers. /salute

3. Not spoiling things. Sorry Twittersphere! D= Omen is good stuff though, I need people to ramble to about it when Mr. Pike isn’t around.

4. Survival. To every last one of you who tells me that they have spec’d Survival and seen some major DPS increase– yes, about 99.99% of you out there– you have my utmost respect for pulling that off. Watching me try to play Survival is like watching a bear try to do ballet, only not nearly as amusing, and in the end it usually just results in people crying.

5. Dealing with the heat. There is no air conditioning either at my apartment or at work. Anything over 75 degrees Fahrenheit is too hot for me (I’m a T-shirt-in-55-degrees kinda girl). This situation has made me seriously consider looking for new apartments, like Canary Wharf apartments. It’s been about 85-90 this past week. If you want to try living in a new city, you should look into the local real estate market. Also, before moving, you may first need to sell your current home. Ready to sell Georgia land for cash? Our efficient process ensures you get the best value for your property without unnecessary delays.

6. Airman in Mega Man 2. Isn’t that supposed to be one of the easy levels? D=

7. Repressing my urge to send Trade Chat grumps Tasty Cupcakes in the mail and cheerily tell them to turn their frown upside down. Self-explanatory. (Admission: I’ve mostly stopped trying to repress this urge. Hilariousness ensues.)

8. Remembering to take out the trash. Oops? >.>

9. Making money in-game. Argent Tournament was fun until I got tired of people refusing to do Chillmaw with me unless I helped them do all the other AT quests with them as well, and honestly I just like to do my dailies solo as much as I can (that’s just how I roll), so… yeah. I’m currently in the middle of experimenting with this foreign “turn herbs-into-flasks’n’stuff for other people and not for me” strategy, but it’s slow going.

10. Making money IRL. /pokes the bank account, which is holding up a “Feed Me” sign

11. Zozo in Final Fantasy 6, but don’t we all?

12. Actually being on time for work. *checks watch* OH SHIZ *runs*

Top Ten Hunter Abilities I Use At Work

For those who are not in the know, I am a Real Life Beast Master. No, really! See, I work at a pet store, and specifically in the section of the store that actually deals with animals. So if you were to visit my store, you wouldn’t find me stocking the shelves or manning the cash register. No, I’d be the short girl with dark hair walking around fishing out individual comet goldfish for the overly picky discerning customer, chasing loose crickets, feeding animals and cleaning cages, probably with a sleepy chameleon perched on her shoulder.

Yes, mine is a unique position in that I can actually pick out several abilities and talents from my class in World of Warcraft and remark that I use them near-daily. Observe…

1. Beast Lore: What do hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs, rats, mice, chinchillas, parakeets, cockatiels, conures, finches, canaries, bearded dragons, leopard geckos, anoles, water dragons, chameleons, turtles, tortoises, uromastyx, frogs, toads, snakes, crested geckos, and over a hundred species of freshwater fish have in common?

I can tell you what they all eat and how often, what sort of habitat each needs, and who can live with who.

Of course, I didn’t know all of that naturally, oh no. This job has the steepest learning curve I’ve ever climbed. Fortunately, you get to a point where you learn that certain animals are like certain other animals and make assumptions on their behavior that are relatively accurate. This is especially true with fish: most large tetras act one way, most small tetras another, et al. And once you figure out where a certain reptile’s natural habitat is (forest, desert, rainforest, etc.) it’s pretty easy to build them up a good habitat. Of course, if you get a completely new animal in, it’s off to the books to figure it out. Beast Lore, indeed!

2. Feed Pet: We have dozens of different types of pet food as well as things like crickets, worms, and yes, frozen mice at our disposal. Gotta know who eats what! Needless to say this is done twice a day, every day.

3. Mend Pet: No matter how well you care for an animal, there is always the chance that it will get sick. Hamsters in particular have a tendency to contract diarrhea, or as we call it in the parlance, “wet-tail”. You will occasionally see other ailments as well, or certain critters (mice mostly, those are brutal little guys) will beat each other up. Fortunately, with the help of a few different specialist vets in the area, we are usually able to nurse them back to full health. Applying salves and creams to wounds and rashes or giving (very) reluctant critters a drop of medicine out of a syringe is something I’ve had to master the art of.

4. Wing Clip: Parakeets are the most common recipient of this IRL hunter ability, and it has to be done just right; clip the wings too short and you risk injuring the bird, but leave them too long and the bird can still fly.

It may sound silly or strange, but every time I have to do it, I can’t help but really feel the responsibility I have as a “Real Life Beast Master”. By clipping a bird’s wings, you are taking away possibly their most precious commodity: flight. You have to hope that what you are giving them in exchange– a chance to form a friendship and bond with a future owner– is worth the price.

5. Tame Beast: A conure is a type of small parrot. They are very intelligent, and when they first come to our store, they are inevitably very wild and afraid of people. However, if you spend a little time with them every day, they warm up to people really fast. Magic, or Tame Beast? You decide!

6. Distracting Shot: Aforementioned conures like to be really loud and noisy if you are anywhere in the vicinity, because they want attention. The trick to keeping your eardrums intact while you do work in their area is to give them something shiny to play with, such as keys. Presto! All’s quiet again. Gotta love a good distraction.

7. Bestial Wrath: Okay, okay, so this isn’t something I use personally. But have you ever seen an angry hamster? Have you? If not, you don’t want to see one. Especially those Dwarf Hamsters. *shudder* Believe me, I encounter this one a lot.

8. Animal Handler: Learning the fine art of picking up a Dwarf Hamster (remember what I said about them earlier) and not having your finger instantly demolished takes a lot of practice. Always good to have two points in this talent for my job, I say…

9. Cobra Strikes: I sometimes have customers comment on my fearlessness around snakes. The truth is, I am rather fond of snakes, and aside from the smell of warm preservative (love the smell of formaldehyde in the morning…? Not really x_x) , feeding snakes is one of my favorite things to do at work. You wiggle a mouse in front of their face with a pair of tongs and they sit there and watch it and watch it and watch it and then they STRIKE! when you least expect it. You have to learn to let go of the mouse right away so they can gulp it down. A lot of fun to watch, if you ask me. I try to apply a similar technique when catching birds with a net. I’m apparently pretty good at it.

10. Readiness: Because you never know when an anole is going to leap out of the cage when you have it open and you’ll have to make a dive for it (literally).

As you can see, “being a hunter” and “going to work” are pretty dang similar for me. Unfortunately, my hunter has a few things that my real-life persona doesn’t, and here are the top three in my book:

1. Improved Tracking: So far in my pet-store-career I’ve personally lost a Crocodile Gecko and a Chinese Water Dragon, both of which leapt out of their cages, landed on my face, and proceeded to disappear. What I wouldn’t give for a better way to find the tricky lil’ buggers.

2. The Beast Within: For the more pesky customers, since they do come in once in a while. I actually have access to this one but I must keep it leashed in the name of a paycheck.

3. Feign Death: For the days when I’m just not feelin’ it. “Hey guys, I can’t come into work today, I’m dead.”

Really though, other than the oh-so-sucky retail schedule and the whole having-to-deal-with-too-many-people thing, I rather enjoy my job. It’s fun and interesting, the days fly by, and hey, who else gets to say that they are, in a roundabout sort of way, still playing WoW while at work?

Beast Master in real life? You better believe it!

Why Pike Is A Bad Example for Gems: Confession Time

I got a comment on one of my recent posts regarding some of the gem choices I made on my Armory and why they did not necessarily match up with what I recommend.

So I’m gonna let you in on a little secret.


I am super OCD for set bonuses. I don’t care what the set bonus is, I will get it. I only made one exception once, it was when I needed to stick a +16 hit in there and I was crying inwardly the whole time and I replaced it as soon as I could. The little grayed out +4 stamina or whatever was killing me.

Is this smart? No. Does this mean I end up with wonky “+agi and +mp5” gems, despite the fact that mp5 is a bad stat to gem for? (Seriously, do not gem for mp5) Yes. Is this gimping my DPS? Probably a bit, yeah. Does this mean I tend to get a lot of comments and e-mails regarding my “special” gem choices? Yeah, and it’s kinda embarrassing.

But ya know what, tough. =P Besides, it’s better that my OCDness manifests itself in a video game than in a real life. (As someone who went through and somehow conquered the “write down every number I hear on some scrap of paper” phase… trust me on this).

This is why I squirm a little bit when people ask me if they should go for socket bonuses or not. Because I want to say “No, you shouldn’t,” but I always always do, personally.

I am a special case guys. Don’t be like me. Really. >.> Hey, we all have our little quirks, and that’s mine.

I’m Pike, and I go for socket bonuses. I also tend to go for what’s cheap because I’m cheapskate.

There, I said it.

/sits down

The Fable of the Worst Bank Ninja Ever

This story posted over at World of Matticus reminded me of an incident that happened to me about a year or so back and that miraculously I don’t think I ever posted about. Now because this did happen so long ago, I’m a little iffy on the details, but for the most part this is all true.

Let me set the stage… I’m in my guild (the big one, from back in the day, which I was an officer of and, for a very brief time, guild leader as well), a good many of us are online and I’m sitting around in Stormwind doing something or other. Suddenly I get a whisper from some random level 11 priest or something.

“can i join ur guild plz”

I whisper back the standard answer for requests like that. “Sorry, we aren’t recruiting right now.”

“prety plz i am a wow gm, wuldnt u like a wow gm in ur guild?”

*blink blink*

Guild chat time.  “Hahaha, hey guys, I’m getting a whisper from some guy who claims to be a GM and he  wants to join the guild.”

The response?  An overwhelming “omg omg let him join let him join!”

And so, grinning like an idiot, I invited him. And we as a guild smothered him with over-the-top adoration.

Wow a real GM! Joining our guild! Such an honor! This is the best thing that has ever happened to me in game!” and et cetera.

“ty ty”

We continued to make it a big deal but our newcomer was quiet for a bit. I found him in Stormwind and noticed he was standing in front of the guild bank.

“can i get promoted”


“can i just get promoted plz just for 2 secs”

“Sorry, you haven’t met the requirements for a promotion yet.”

“wut r the reqiuermants”

“Well… you have to be active in the guild, and you have to be reeeeeeeeally good at RP.” We exaggerated that last part out a lot.

“wut is rp”

“It’s when you make a story for your character and make your character act the way you think they would.”



“ya i have a rly gud rp”

“Oh? Why don’t you tell us a little about your character?”

More silence.


“Why not?”

“because I am a GM lol it has to be secret”

“Oh wow, Blizzard GMs have to have secret character backstories? That sounds hardcore.  Your character must be really awesome!”

“ya it is rly awesome.   so can i get promoted plz”

“Nope, sorry, we only do promotions once a week at our guild meetings.”

“prty plz just for 2 secs”


“but i am a gm dont u want a gm officer”

“You have to wait until the guild meeting just like everyone else.  As a GM, you should know all about rules.”

Finally the guy quit trying amidst most of us giggling up a storm in officer chat, and he logged out in front of the guild bank. We /gkicked him afterwards.

The moral of the story is… if any of you aspiring *cough* Blizz GMs out there want a guild promotion, you’d better not only have a RLY GUD RP, but be willing to wait until the guild meeting! =P

The End. /bow

Round One: FIGHT!

I really appreciate all the comments and ideas that were left on my blog post where I admitted that I was feeling sort of “lost in WoW” lately. After a bit of thought and a slight break, I’m thinking a major part of my problem is a lack of focus. I feel stretched too thin between my main character and then two level 74 toons– if I’m playing one, I keep thinking “I should be playing one of my others” in the back of my mind. Which is weird because I don’t really have any outside pressure to play any character in particular; I just feel bad when I can’t give them equal attention.

To remedy this, I am going to pick one alt toon to focus on and really concentrate on getting to 80. I think having that as a concrete goal will certainly give me something to do over the next couple of weeks.

And guys… I’ll need your help to pick.

/Announcer Voice On


And in this corner we have… Lunapike the Diplomat, level 74 Tauren Hunter. She was Pike’s second hunter to hit level 70 and is on the fast track to becoming her second level 80 hunter… and perhaps her second level 80, period! She resides on the RP-PvP server The Venture Co. (US) where she has resided since her mid-20s when she transferred there from a normal PvP server, and has a good half a level or so on our second contestant.

– Is a hunter, and Pike likes hunters. And playing another one would possibly give her more blog post ideas.
– Has tamed a Giant Enemy Crab which she named Genji
– Is the highest leveled Hordie of Pike’s, and as such has the drive and motivation to get to 80 so she can start collecting badges and passing out heirloom items, not to mention get sexy gear
– As a Hordie, gets to see the other side of the Northrend storyline which Pike hasn’t seen yet!
– Easier to quest with than the second contestant, in general
– Is a Female Tauren, the best playable model in game
– Pike is actually not allergic to cows

– Is dirt poor. Lacks epic flying and dual spec. (Not that dual spec is quite so important for a hunter, but ya know.)
– …is a hunter, and Pike already has one (or three, or four, or…).
– Is going to cause Pike to dissolve into fits of tears when she finds out dailies are a gankfest (sort of a repeat of what happened when she went to the Isle of Quel’danas with this character back in the day)
– Has a heck of a time getting into instances. Tends to get ganked by swarms of 80s at the meeting stone after finally finding a group (though she can take on most players of equal level).
– Has no “connections” to any raid groups


And in this corner we have… Tamaryn, the… Tree! Level 74 Night Elf Druid. Though much “younger” than Lunapike, she has quickly climbed up the levels and currently sits a mere half a level or so behind the tauren, ready to surpass her at a given notice. She lives on the RP server Silver Hand (US) alongside Pike’s main, Tawyn.

– Is not a hunter and is thus an all new experience for Pike
– Has both Swift Flight Form and dual-spec thanks to Tawyn’s obsession with the Argent Tournament
– In Boomkin form, outDPS’s Lunapike, stupid Starfire crits (though to be fair, Lunapike is wearing a leveling spec whereas Tamaryn pretty much snatched something from Elitist Jerks)
– Is invited to instance groups within about thirty seconds
– Has the 10%-extra-XP shoulders
– Already has connections with various raid groups via Tawyn
– Is a Tree, the second best playable model in game

– May possibly cause Pike to start blogging about druidy things (on occasion!! Pike will still be playing her main.)
– Will be redo’ing a lot of leveling content Pike has already seen on Tawyn
– No real drive to get to 80 other than wanting to have a max-level healer alt since a.) Tawyn has already passed out heirloom items like candy on Hallow’s End and b.) it’s not like the way gear looks matters in tree form
– Pike has a deep-seated fear that if she gets a healer to level 80, she will never be allowed to play a hunter in a raid ever again
– Pike is allergic to trees

Who will win and become the part of Pike’s Next Big Project, and who will have to sit on the sidelines and be the “Third” (possible bad Ender’s Game joke not intended)?


/Announcer voice off

Comment and vote today! *nod*

Note: Just to be clear, I really enjoy playing both of these characters and would be quite happy to level either. That’s why I can’t decide! >.>

Death Knight Starter Quests Improve With Age

(Warning: Possible spoilers ahead. Those of you who haven’t done the Death Knight starter quests, or haven’t done them in a long time, and would like to be surprised when you do them, feel free to skip this entry.)

Like most everyone else, I rolled a Death Knight the day after Wrath of the Lich King came out.

Like most everyone else, I finished the whole starter questchain because it was a rather captivating experience.

…and like a lot of people, my first Death Knight sits at level 58 because at the time, the Hellfire Peninsula quests were being camped so badly that it was like a foreshadowing of Noblegarden egg-hunting or something.

I always intended on making a second Death Knight sometime later, when all the initial hype and “PRESS 1 FOR HORSE” General Chat spam had died down, but I also wanted to do it when I knew I would have time to do it all in one sitting or close to it. So when I had a few hours to myself last night, I rolled up a shiny new Tauren Death Knight. Because I am an RP-geek, I wanted a name that was both Taureny and DeathKnighty, so I named her Bryonia, after an herb that causes “a profuse and uncontrollable diarrhoea, vomiting, vertigo, reduction of temperature, dilatation of the pupils, cold perspiration, extremely small pulse, colic, collapse, and death”. Sounds good, no?

Anyways the Death Knight starting quests were as wonderful the second time as they were the first, and I’d argue even more so. Ya know why? Cause now that I’ve played a good deal of Wrath of the Lich King, a lot of the references that I hadn’t noticed the first time are very potent and, in many cases, absolutely hilarious. Observe:


Oh my gosh! It’s Thassarian! You know, the guy who has a whole super long and awesome questline dedicated to him in Borean Tundra and who now flies around Icecrown! *gasp*


Show him what you’ve got!


Poor Gothik. He finally gets a vacation and he’s still got work on the brain. For the record, and The Boyfriend can probably confirm– this made me laugh harder than anything else in WoW ever has, ever. Oh, and Gothik is also responsible for coining the phrase “Vacuum Cleaner of Souls” later on in this particular questline. Snaps for you, Gothik… snaps for you.

“Noth, where is Heigan?”



I’m thinking Noth is just bitter because he can’t dance. (In other news, I’d pay good money to see Heigan hosting an episode of Mousercise).


ZOMG! Corrupted Ashbringer!


Aww, poor guy. /sniff. I gotta say though, what I wouldn’t give for a sound bite of “Loan make Patchwerk ANGRY!” to play over the phone to telemarketers.


Even in the DK starter zone he’s a tough cookie; enrages at the end and everything. Thanks, temporary invincibility buff!

Baron Rivendare was there too although I didn’t snag a screenshot, perhaps because it seems like he’s everywhere (Naxx, Stratholme, et al.) I did notice he’s actually pretty good looking though. I think it’s the hair. But yeah, good times, good times. DK quests are definitely worth a do-over if you’re someone who hasn’t visited Acherus since November; it’s better the second time.

My spec? Unholy, of course. Ghoul Frenzy is hot-keyed to my Bestial Wrath button. /grin