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Yep. I’ve figured it out. Why the Warcraft movie trailer bugs me a lil’ bit.
And no, it’s not because there’s too much CGI. On the contrary: I don’t think there’s enough!
Warcraft has always been very silly and cartoony to me– in a good way, mind you. But the movie trailer is super serious and there are people in it. Real people! Not, like, cartoon people. It’s giving off a weird reverse-uncanny-valley effect to me.
I feel like the movie would have been more palatable to me had it been done Pixar-style. Yes, it definitely would’ve been a lot more silly… and honestly it probably would’ve felt (and looked) a lot more like Warcraft to me.
Anyways, I don’t mean to be a debbie downer or anything. I mean, overall the movie looks really great on a technical level. Granted, we’ve got Mr. Krabs from SpongeBob SquarePants as Rend Blackhand, so now I’m not sure how seriously I can take that character, but YOU know…
I realized this when i got a weird vibe from all the alliance scenes. It just looked really overly CGI when in fact there was more used for the orcs which looked better.
So, no comments on Gnome hunters?
The movie just looked bad to me, like D&D movie bad. I am not going to want to see it, but I think my wife will want to go just to see it.
Not a bad point. Maybe they would have been better off just expanding the heck out of the cinematics department and doing it that way. No, really! Take the Mists cinematic. It had a human in it, and he and the orc resembled the two characters on the cover of Warcraft 2 (you’ll never convince me they didn’t use those two as the inspiration for the cinematic). And the human looked human, yes…but like a Warcraft human, “cartoony to me– in a good way, mind you.” They could probably make one hell of a movie if you put them to it.