So now we have a little while to wait until the next expansion. How long? Not sure yet. But, I can’t lie, I’m fine with a bit of a lull.
I know many people will probably disagree with me, but for a while I actually felt like WoD was going kind of fast. Oh here’s Highmaul! Oh here’s Blackrock Foundry! Oh here’s Hellfire Citadel and a whole new zone! I kind of felt like every time I got caught up on something, a new thing opened up before I could finish whatever previous thing I was working on. And you know, that was fine back when I was raiding and doing hardcore stuff back in TBC and WotLK.
But these days, I’m playing a lot more casually. As such, I enjoy lulls between content. It gives me time to do casual things (like play alts), or even better, play other video games for a bit.
So yeah. So long as we don’t get eleven months or whatever the last lull was, I think I’m good. 🙂
(Granted, I am excited for Legion. Elves! Elves everywhere!)