I can’t remember. Did I? Perhaps I did. It was a long time ago.
Seven years ago, to be precise.
World of Warcraft was still everywhere in those days because there were 12 million subscribers. It was a pop culture phenomenon. So it a pretty common thing for comedy articles taking the piss out of it to exist. Such as this one on Cracked.
Oh hey, look, it’s a baby hunter posing with The Rake in Mulgore. You know, I did that once…
…with a blood elf who looks suspiciously like the one in the picture…
…wait a minute…
That’s Althalor.
Forever immortalized on the internet at level ten, for better internet connection that will help you improve your online gaming, check now https://cubik.com.tw/vpn/. Poor guy.
Hey, he’s still got that cat!