I’ve played a lot of classes in WoW fairly extensively. Hunter, of course, and druid. Recently I’ve been putting a lot of time into my mage and paladin. In the past I’ve leveled a warlock up to the 60s, a rogue up to the 40s, and a warrior into the 30s or so.
But you know what class I never did figure out?
Nothing against them, mind.
But anytime I’ve ever tried to play one, I get confused. They have totems, I think? And… thundering and lightning (very very frighting)? Do they even do the totems and lightning thing anymore? Who knows!
Very peculiar. Very peculiar indeed.
Granted, there’s a very good chance that they’ve changed considerably since the last time I tried to play one (which would’ve been like, eight years ago or something.) But the fact remains: I’ve never gotten a shaman past level ten. I’ve gotten everything else past level ten. I’ve even gotten a monk past level ten.
Shamans? Nope.
(I might be more inspired if blood elves could be shamans. I mean, uh, just saying.)
(Also it has occurred to me now that I’ve never gotten a Death Knight past, like, level 60. So, I guess there’s at least one more class out there that I don’t understand!)