There are a lot of things about the impending expansion that I’m not really sold on. I don’t want to say they’ve turned me off of the game, because obviously we’ve only been aware of this stuff for 24 hours. There’s a lot that can change between now and, you know, whenever this actually releases in the future.
But, okay. Like. Artifact weapons. They are tied to your spec. If I want the really cool phoenix bow with the really cool elf lore, I have to be Marksmanship. But Marksmanship is confirmed for not having a pet in the expansion (similarly, Survival is confirmed for being a melee spec) and that does not appeal to me in the slightest.
So… wat do?
CLEARLY the answer is to play my mage. At least he’s gonna get Felo’melorn, which I plan on nerding out over in a different post very soon.
Besides, once you start porting everywhere, you can’t go back.
Survival as a melee is so pointless. Imagine switching specs. Oh now I need a gun or now I need a melee weapon. That’s not right.
Former Hunter, current Mage that still has a fondness for Hunters. This is most unwelcome news. I only play BM since I just level my Hunter up casually these days, but to make the other two specs (which more serious class players would use) so damn un-Hunter-y is a weird and crappy decision.
Still early days but I like that they make the speccs different. Melee hunters seems a bit strange, but the my main concern is surv gets OP and I have to do melee in raids.
I did read something that should make Pike happy: “Karazhan is an important place.” 🙂
I’m gonna miss Survival, I really like it vs. Marks (eww, I can’t move around) and vs. BM (pet spazzes out on me sometimes)
But – you can transmog your Sonic Spear again!