So, the big news! Remember not so long ago when I was lamenting the faction imbalance in PvP lately? Well have no fear, Mercenary Mode is here, which lets you queue up for the opposite faction in order to alleviate pesky things like queue times.
Although this doesn’t address whatever the core, underlying problems are– and I suspect racials have to do with a lot of it– I think this will probably do a decent enough job at helping to treat the symptoms, at least. I don’t really suspect us Hordies will be able to try the faction hop anytime soon, since it’s the Alliance who has most of the queue problems, but hey, maybe with some Alliance on our side we can actually win AV now? Maybe? Like, just once a week?
Honestly my biggest question right now has to do with battleground chat. It’s always been a toxic place; one that I put up with, rather than leave, just because it’s nice to be able to call out “incs” and be able to actually talk tactics on the rare occasions that I’m not making liberal use of the ignore feature. Presumably now you will be able to communicate with the opposing faction and I foresee a lot of dumb playground fights and namecalling from both sides.

Ah well. More people to sacrifice to Ignore for the Ignore God, I suppose.
The REAL question now becomes “Is Ashran fixable?” (Probably not)