As all three (or maybe four?) of you long-time readers left know, I quit playing WoW for several years and thus left this blog to unceremoniously sit for just as long. Sometimes I wonder if I should have kept playing so I could keep blogging, because I do so love blogging. But, ultimately, I’m glad I took that break.
See, recently I’ve been seeing a lot of people both on Twitter and in blogs talking about how they’re growing tired of, or bored with, the game. And then here I am, over here in my corner, having a blast and in general being content with my life in Azeroth.
And you know, I think it’s because I walked away for so long. I walked away and now that I’m back I’m looking at it with fresh eyes.
It’s not the same as it was back when I first started, no. It will never be quite that magical again. But sometimes I think it can get pretty close. (In fairness, I might be biased, because I am very easy to please.)

So yes, I’m glad I took a break. I’ve sort of… recalibrated my own thought process on the whole thing, if you will. It used to be that I thought quitting WoW was sort of a huge deal, but now I treat it like any other game. I can drop it for months – or years – at a time, and play other games like สมัคร UFABET เพื่อเดิมพันฟุตบอล, and then I can come back again later whenever I want. And you know what? That’s okay. Especially now that I can pay for a subscription just by logging in and poking my garrison for twenty minutes a day.
Breaks. They work for me!
I think you are very much right. I’ve been subscribed the whole time you were gone though my play time has dropped to almost nothing for long periods. Each break means I come back refreshed – but it never lasts. Perhaps if I cut my sub completely then came back after a year or so away the “new, shiny” may last a bit longer. I’m glad you are back blogging though – I’ve checked in regularly.