I have this problem where I always want to draw my characters but can’t, because I cannot draw. Well, I can kind of draw, but not very well. At all. And then my pictures inevitably turn out looking like this:
Which then turns into looking like this:

Super serious.
Except not. Cute though? Maybe? Okay, maybe. I will accept maybe.
I think I want to draw more often and dump the results on this site. Because why not. Warcraft lore is a fun world to play in, and if I can’t make it serious or professional, then by golly I can at least make it cute.
Looks awesome can’t wait for more art
I missed your adorable art. <3
Keep it up. 🙂
Definitely draw and post more art! Blogging needs more art! Plus, the more you draw and practice, the better you’ll get!
I agree with Aywren. Practice, practice, practice.
Thanks guys 🙂