The last time I had a subscription for an entire WoW expansion, with no breaks, was for The Burning Crusade.
I took one or two short breaks towards the end of WotLK, I took a very long break during Cataclysm, and I only played the first couple of months of MoP. That last break there was the longest, clocking in at two years and some change. In fact, I’d actually convinced myself that I wouldn’t be coming back. The game was different now and I’d moved on to plenty of other games – heck, there were plenty of other games I was pouring hundreds of hours into, just as I had with WoW. My gaming life was good. WoW was a memory.
And yet, like a loyal dog, WoW waited for me to come back. And like a sap, I did.

I think I’m starting to accept now that I’ll never quite go away entirely. And you know what? That’s fine. I’ve reached a comfortable equilibrium knowing that I can play for as long as I want and then drop it for as long as I want, and it’ll still be there. Different, perhaps – probably a lot different, in fact – but there.
So brace yourselves, Internet – cause this dumb blog is probably never quite going away. >:D
“So brace yourselves, Internet – cause this dumb blog is probably never quite going away. >:D”
And we loyal readers from yesteryear who kept checking in once every couple of months during the breaks wouldn’t want it any other way. Good on ya Pike. 😀
So now I can start checking in regularly rather than just every couple of months.
Yay! Good for you Pike! ^_^