Hi, I’m Pike, and I have a problem.
Specifically my problem is thus: I play on RP servers and come up with elaborate backstories for all my characters but I don’t actually RP them. That’s… that’s not too weird, is it?

I’m not sure why I don’t roleplay. I think because it’s just not my thing, and because it means socializing with people and socializing is hard work, dangit.
But I can go on and on about how Tawyn is a foul-mouthed, hard drinking kaldorei who prefers the company of dwarves and humans (and her pets) to the exclusion of just about anything else.
And I can go on and on about how Lunapike is actually a huge dork who gets excited about mundane things like herbalism and archaeology because IT’S JUST SO NEAT, LOOK STUFF IS COMING OUT OF THE GROUND, WHOA, HOW DOES THAT EVEN WORK.
And I can go on and on about how Althalor really just wants to stay in Quel’Thalas taking care of the hawkstriders and lynx cubs, but then when the Scourge stormed through and killed his Farstrider parents he had to reluctantly follow in their footsteps.
And I can tell you about how Ratchets is… okay, she’s a goblin, so basically she’s just a Ferengi. How about that invisible hand, eh?
But the thought of actually trying to go roleplay my character with people freaks me out.
So yeah. Mental roleplaying, I do it. Actually I do it in basically every game, not just WoW. (The Elder Scrolls, anyone?)
It’s… it’s not just me, right? Other people do this too, right?
Toooootally not weird. I do it all the time. I’m just too shy to try and actually roleplay in game but all my characters have stories. Like my warlock, rogue, hunter and DK are all related. They are sisters and my warlock is the oldest. My DK died during the scourge invasion. Obviously the others didn’t know and my rogue was so distraught thinking her sister died she left the family to fend for themselves. My hunter is the youngest of the sisters and is probably the most naive she spent all her time with animals and her cousin (my paladin). There is more but its pretty boring stuff but its all in my head. And totally not weird.
So glad I’m not the only one!
Nope, not at all. I do it often… and then resort to writing long, intricate stories using the toons interacting with OTHER toons I’ve made, since I don’t have the actual time or health to wait for a live person to RP with on a schedule I’d often have to break… if I ever become really wealthy and cure a few of these health issues, I intend to make a brand new toon, with a back story, hunt down others to play with and well… play… until then, it’s writing crap in my own head 😀
Nah, not just you. I mean for fuck’s sake, I wrote prose about how Ril’s DMC: Greatness and Deathbringer’s Will trinkets worked (or at least his perception thereof). 😛