So I mentioned this in my last post, but in case you missed it, I basically didn’t play Cataclysm. That also means I didn’t do any of the Cataclysm raids until like… last week. Most of the Cata raids I’ve duo’d so far weren’t particularly exciting aesthetic wise (although we certainly did have some… fun… with Deathwing’s Spine), but there was one that knocked my socks off and made me wish I had done it back when it was current.
And that’s fecking Blackwing Descent.
You know what’s great? Dorfs. (Note: “Dorfs” is the preferred way to say “Dwarves”.)
I have always been one of maybe three people I know of who like BRD, and watching Desolation of Smaug was a real treat because it was basically Awesome Underground Dorf Lava City: The Motion Picture.

Blackrock Descent is MAD SCIENTISTS IN AN UNDERGROUND DORF CITY, and it is marvelous. Oh it’s so good. Best aesthetic in a raid since forever. Look at this and tell me this isn’t great:
Is this not, like, the best thing you’ve ever seen in a raid? …no? It’s just me?
Okay, fine. It’s just me. But the rest of you guys need to learn to appreciate the finer points of dorf culture. For starters, do YOU need alcohol to get through the working day? Because that’s just Dorfs 101.
I do need alcohol to get through the working day. Furthermore, nature slightly disturbs me and I would just as soon see the surface converted into a giant strip mine.
@Mister Adequate – see, this is why you’re Mr. Pike.
Ah, you missed the inestimable joy of killing your teammates with the elevator boss. THAT was an elevator boss.
I killed someone by casting Slowfall as they stepped onto the elevator, and laughed as they slowly drifted into the lava. Good times…
ahhh I do wish I had done this one at level!