Let’s dig up some blogosphere cheer!
- Mists of Pandaria hits; Azeroth falls under the weight of thousands of panda puns.
- Speaking of pandas, my dear other half Mister Adequate and myself just call the expansion and anything related to it “pandas”. Apparently we’re not alone here.
- I’m taming lots of stuff!
- Mister Adequate is a fan of the expansion. I am too, for the record. Go read his thoughts on it!
- Blizzard is pretty fantastic.
What have you been up to, my friends?
Pet battles are number the one.
All else are number the two, or lower.
Took Maleficia, my Death Knight on Silver Hand, to Panda land yesterday just to look around. Pretty much all my justice point blues and purples have now been replaced by quest greens – time to get my dungeon on methinks! So far I’m loving the gorgeous scenery and the interplay. My rotation is still shot to hell of course but time will heal that (I hope!) Now I’m going to take my one and only Horde 85 there and see what it all looks like from the north side of the forest. And of course, to see what leveling a Blacksmith from 525-600 produces…
And I should add that my original Hunter dates from Vanilla… Unfortunate he’s parked in Stormwind right now at 85 until I can figure out the new stuff – in all honesty, even with all the good advice I read after discovering Aspect of the Hare I’m still not a very effective hunter.