I always loved hunters but it was a bit of a bizarre relationship. I loved them for what they were, obviously, but I also loved them because I was afraid to try anything new. Because anytime I tried anything new, I was expecting a carbon copy of a hunter, and when this never turned out to be the case, I would quit said new character in frustration. I was, for lack of a better term, caught in a bad romance.
After several months of hiatus things are different. I no longer feel like I have to keep writing hunter guides. I mean, tons of you guys followed me over to my new blog to hear me talk about things like aquarium test strips. Seriously.

I have also Officially Quit Raiding. I don’t have the time or the previously discussed mental stamina. My guild keeps trying to talk me into letting them drag me to an Arthas fight so I can see it, but I’m pretty apathetic about the whole issue. If I see him, fine, if not, fine. Ya know?
So my beloved hunter has been relegated to the status of BadgeBot. I run random LFGs with her when I’m feeling up to it. I spend the badges on those BoA heirlooms and Primordial Saronite. That’s right, I’m in Ulduar tier stuff and spending badges on stuff that isn’t better gear. Savvy?
Instead of raiding and endgame, I’m dinking around in alts which are tons more fun. When I started WoW again I made a pact to myself that I was going to be The Very Model of a Modern Major Casual, and I’m happy with how it’s turned out. I’ll spend a half hour or so in game every day, doing things that are familiar (starter areas/old instances anyone?) but also different. For example, after avoiding melee like the plague for years, I have a Feral Druid. And a rogue. My word, I love my rogue. And her vanity guild.

Stuff dies before I can use Eviscerate. It’s hilarious. Also I’m a gnome, and an engineer, which means that as soon as I go into WSG I am going to become the embodiment of everything that Every Horde PvPer hates. It will be glorious.
I also really like her name. Tourbillon. This is a tourbillon:
It’s POWERED BY PHYSICS! Fully mechanical; and it goes on a watch, which means it’s about the size of what, your thumbnail?
Perfect name for a gnome rogue engineer, no? <3 I've also started making alts on the servers of friends and fellow bloggers. I used to avoid doing that because I was really bad about logging on to them and then I'd feel horrible about making an alt somewhere and never playing it. I'm trying to be better this time, though. I'm Pike, and I endorse this Pointless Post.
Ya know?
No, not really. But that’s why I’m Rilgon and you’re Pike!
… “I am the very model of a modern major casual” should totally get written out. I may, in fact, take this on as a project, with your blessing.
Much as though I love my alts I’ve been sadly neglecting them lately. They started off as my intention to master all the professions and set up my own self-help group. Then they ran aground in the high 20’s/low 30’s and there they stayed. I can’t be the first person to have done this but I am noob-ish enough to admit that I am having fun with Death Knights. Yes, I know that’s all outrĂ© and in poor taste but that’s just me I guess. I’ll get back to my grand scheme to own Azeroth via my alts in time, honest I will.
I absolutely love my gnome rogue too! Tourbillion is an awesome name for a gnome… One of my favorite things about gnomes is how many fun games you can play with their names before you get out of character. For example, my gnome rogue is Gwyndi Widdershins (in my head she’s a lefthanded rogue) and my gnome dk engineer is Georie (she’s not named in honor of any legendary star ship engineers or anything… noooooo).
Anyway, it’s nice to hear the ways you’re revitalizing the game for yourself.
Sudden desire to have a huge tourbillon as a centrepiece in my room. I wonder what kind of noise it would make when supa-siz’d.
I’m impressed with anyone who manages to play WoW casually, i.e. you. Perhaps it’s just the manner in which the Seven Sins Plus One (garrulousness(Does that word even bend like that?!)) are expressed through me, in this case gluttony – or is that just lack of self control? – but every attempt to just play a little always fails.
That may also be the most convoluted sentence today. Considering I just got up, that’s not very impressive.
Gnomes. The source of fifty percent of all awesome WoW puns. You don’t have to be a gnomosexual to love them.
I am now determined to change my male gnome rogue engineer’s name to “Breguet”. I’m sure you’ll get the reference.
I too however have had a sudden love for my alts, and now use my main for an occasional raid or heroic, and then let him fund the tuition of my alts until they can fend for themselves.
From Lady Gaga to watch parts powered by the science, I love Pike. That is all 🙂
@ Rilgon – Indeed!
@ Anna – DO IT! I fully approve.
@ Ardprest – I always thought DKs were fun when I tried them, I never could get one past level 60 though.
@ Rhii – Aren’t gnomes just fun?
@ Mitsune – …I… want a gigantic tourbillon now too. *drool*
@ Khraden – I approve of the reference, and also suddenly want to make a gnome with that name.
@ Dave – omg, I haven’t seen you in forever! *hug* <3
Fine! Make me learn stuff.
I do love the names, both rogue and guild! 🙂
I feel sorry for those who don’t get the awesome fun of WoW gnomes … just logging on to the character can bring a smile to your face. 🙂