“Ah, are these the villain’s tracks?”
“Indeed they are, Mr. Holmes.”
“Hoofprints? This rules out most races except draenei and tauren, but it’s most unlikely that a tauren would travel this far. Besides, here and here we see traces of moth dust found only in Azuremyst Isle. Now we can further deduce from his tracks that this villain moved around a lot, although it wasn’t to back up, rather, it was to get closer. This indicates that he is a melee class–”
“Or an uninformed hunter?”
“Unlikely, Watson. I see no animal prints or feathers.”
“A… fantastically uninformed hunter?”
“Very doubtful. As you can see, the surrounding ground is charred by holy fire…”
“A paladin?”
“Brilliant, Murloc Holmes!”

You can prove nothing. NOTHING I SAY! *shifty eyes*
SWEET!!! 😀
Totally awesome. =D
Great drawing and great story, Pike!
And as my husband just said “Awesome.”
Made me smile.
That’s hialrious, Pike XD
I laughed, cried, groaned and facepalmed all at once.
Best pun I’ve heard in years!
But holy fire is a priest spell!
Pike, I love you.
I nearly *died* – somewhere been laughing and groaning. Graughing.
@ Xonate – It was supposed to be a fancy way of saying “consecrate” /cough
That is fantastic and terrible in about equal quantities
Marry me!
Awesome! Being a pipe smoker and a fan of Sherlock Holmes, I’m quite taken with little Murloc Holmes. I would love to read more about his adventures.