So, ladies and gentlemen. Underbog. Let’s talk about it.
Superfun Coilfang instance for level 63ish. Was great fun as a heroic back-in-the-day. Is still great fun as a level 63ish instance now.
And guys, if you’re like me, and a.) dailies got old and b.) playing the Auction House isn’t really your thing, then Underbog is the instance for you.
Here’s why:
- Half of the mobs are skinnable. They give you Knothide Leather. Which you can sell.
- The other half of the mobs are herb-able. Half of the time they give you junk, but there’s a ton of Ancient Lichen laying around to make up for it. Which you can sell.
- The place is a loot pinata. Greens are all over the place. Which you can sell. (or DE, or what-have-you.)
- Regardless of your professions, everybody can pick Sanguine Hibiscus. Sanguine Hibiscus is a Sporeggar rep item. Sporeggar rep gets you a minipet and is part of the “the Diplomat” title achievement. Depending on your server and how much of this tends to be on the AH, you can sell this stuff for 5g a piece, at least. Oh, did I mention that you can scoop up about 30 in 20 minutes?

How to do it:
Run in. Kill everything, including all trash. The trash has a good chance to drop aforementioned Sanguine Hibiscus. Not to mention, skinning/herb frenzy if you have one or both of those professions. Kill the first boss. Keep going until you get to that ramp with the Naga*. Twenty minutes tops. This is with a character that isn’t particularly geared; it would probably go even faster still on my main (I plan on trying it later today.)

Run back to the beginning. A bunch of the Sanguine Hibiscus has respawned; scoop it up on your way out. Then, reset the instance and do it again!
The best part is that this instance is easy. Thus, you don’t need to pull out a special solo-y spec or anything. I just pull out my crab and do it spec’d as Beast Master Raid. You could probably do it just as easily with Marksmanship or Survival, so long as you’ve got a Misdirect macro handy.
The other best part is that if you like solo’ing old stuff, this is super fun, and if you don’t like solo’ing old stuff, then it’s easy enough that you can do it while you have a movie on in the background or something.
The other, other best part is that I am pretty convinced this is a higher gold-per-minute ratio than dailies. If I run around and do all my Argent Tourney dailies, that’s 200ish gold in an hour. Meanwhile, 20 minutes in this instance will get you 200ish gold at least in stuff you can sell, assuming you have skinning and/or herbalism and are on a server that is into achievements. Compare an hour to 20 minutes. Hmm. (Sure, the Argent Tourney probably pulls ahead in the long run cause you can buy and sell minipets, but come on, do you really want to go do the Argent Tourney stuff again?)
Now you have to be careful, of course, because you don’t want to oversaturate the market, but if you’re patient, you can always find someone who will pay top dollar for this stuff.
So yeah. Underbog. Burning Crusade’s Best Kept Secret. Much love. <3 (Or, you can go nuts and solo EVERYTHING like Rilgon, but not all of us have the T5 bonus *grumbles*)
* Note: the reason why I advocate stopping at the Naga Ramp is it means for the next little while of the instance, there are no Sanguine Hibiscus, no herbs, and nothing to skin. You start getting some again towards the end of the instance, but I think it’s quicker just to do the first half and then reset.
I concur. Did this for a while back when I had a bug in my ear to cap my Sporeggar rep. (Not that I ever finished – I have soloing OCD unless it’s an overarching goal like “solo Ragnaros”.)
I love underbog. It’s one of the few heroics my friend would bring me as a fresh 70 hunter. There I learned what situational awareness means, ie. how to chain trap without body pulling another group of mobs or walk into pats.
Well said! I dragged my paladin through there at 70 several times after Sanguine Hibiscus, because there was a pretty good shield to get at Honored with Sporeggar. Then the hunter went at 80, for the rep and the pet. I never thought about the extra money-making capability though. Verrrry interesting!
But the third boss is a hunter with a tamed bear druid pet! A must-see boss for any hunter! 😀
Ooh, what a good idea! too bad my main is mining/JC…
And my highest alt is like, 30 something.
When I server transfer my herbloving disenchanting mage though… we’re headed to Underbog!
IIRC Outland Greens usually vendor for well over 5g each. Even some of the grey vendor trash will vendor for upwards of a gold piece. I used to farm/skin/herb the dried up swamp area in the north-east corner of Zangarmarsh. Awesome place to farm if you’re a Skinner/Herbivore. Lots of Hydras to skin for Leather, and lots of Giants to Herb-mine.
Underbog is pretty nice.
Take a Ulduar/ToC geared tank (like moi) and pull all of the start floor in one go
Sanguine hibiscus sells for less on our server – some peopel do seem to have it on farm – 2.5g a piece.
Greens however – DE them immediately for Dust/Essences. Dust is selling for 40-50g a stack, and demand often outstrips supply.
And if you have the gear, its probably better doing it as heroic – the green green drops give you superior amounts of dust/essences.
Just thought I would let you know I desided to give this a try -80 Retadin (not geared).
Had a blast running it and averaged about 20 sanguine hibiscus per run.
now for the GREAT part -sold everything I collected at 25g per 5 stack, ya thats right 5g each. And no I woun’t tell you which server or realm 🙂 – got to keep this to myself
We’ll see how long the gravey train lasts
Thanks for the great tip
Pike: “Run in. Kill everything.” I couldn’t find better words 😛 No seriously, that’s a great post.
PS: I love your domain name 😉