Things I Suck At

1. PvP servers. All of my hordies reside on The Venture Co., an RP-PvP server, and they began there as an experiment to see if I could handle PvP servers. Two years later I have come to realize that I really can’t, at least not while keeping my sanity intact, but at this point I have too much invested in the server and all my characters there to really move or anything. And so, I log on, take a deep breath, have my spammable /hug macro at the ready, and head out into the scary world of red text above peoples’ names. I still suck at it though.

2. Saying goodbye to WoW blogs. Always a bittersweet moment for me, I’m happy to see people move on with their life but lately I’ve just been reeling at the growing realization that, in a way, I really feel like one of the last of the “old-school” WoW bloggers. I’m never quite sure what to make of it, other than I sort of feel like the pressure to deliver good content (and to keep-blogging-forever, to fill the void… oh dang, I see your ruse now, blogosphere! /shakes-fist) is continually rising. Anyways, go say farewell to Mr. Slow Wolf, now, and thank him for being one of the (very) few remaining Beast Master hunter bloggers. /salute

3. Not spoiling things. Sorry Twittersphere! D= Omen is good stuff though, I need people to ramble to about it when Mr. Pike isn’t around.

4. Survival. To every last one of you who tells me that they have spec’d Survival and seen some major DPS increase– yes, about 99.99% of you out there– you have my utmost respect for pulling that off. Watching me try to play Survival is like watching a bear try to do ballet, only not nearly as amusing, and in the end it usually just results in people crying.

5. Dealing with the heat. There is no air conditioning either at my apartment or at work. Anything over 75 degrees Fahrenheit is too hot for me (I’m a T-shirt-in-55-degrees kinda girl). This situation has made me seriously consider looking for new apartments, like Canary Wharf apartments. It’s been about 85-90 this past week. If you want to try living in a new city, you should look into the local real estate market. Also, before moving, you may first need to sell your current home. Ready to sell Georgia land for cash? Our efficient process ensures you get the best value for your property without unnecessary delays.

6. Airman in Mega Man 2. Isn’t that supposed to be one of the easy levels? D=

7. Repressing my urge to send Trade Chat grumps Tasty Cupcakes in the mail and cheerily tell them to turn their frown upside down. Self-explanatory. (Admission: I’ve mostly stopped trying to repress this urge. Hilariousness ensues.)

8. Remembering to take out the trash. Oops? >.>

9. Making money in-game. Argent Tournament was fun until I got tired of people refusing to do Chillmaw with me unless I helped them do all the other AT quests with them as well, and honestly I just like to do my dailies solo as much as I can (that’s just how I roll), so… yeah. I’m currently in the middle of experimenting with this foreign “turn herbs-into-flasks’n’stuff for other people and not for me” strategy, but it’s slow going.

10. Making money IRL. /pokes the bank account, which is holding up a “Feed Me” sign

11. Zozo in Final Fantasy 6, but don’t we all?

12. Actually being on time for work. *checks watch* OH SHIZ *runs*

21 thoughts on “Things I Suck At”

  1. “Making money in-game”

    I was too, until I picked up JC… Now, I spend a relaxing hour or so to usually make about 250-300g/day ( I know, a small pittance, but better than what I was getting from dailies – about 30g/day because I hated doing them).

    Keep a watch out on my blog, i’m going to be posting a few *easy* ah tips, they might just translate over to your flask business, and they certainly won’t be goblin-ish in their execution.

  2. “Zozo in Final Fantasy 6”

    You aren’t kidding on that one! That was the one level I THREW my SNES controller at. That doesn’t beat the level either, it turns out.

    And I think PVP servers are DESIGNED to hurt your Wow-esteem. 😉

  3. Eesh, I’m with you on dealing with the heat. No AC here, or in most of the homes in this town, and Northern MN makes me looove the cold. People think I’m nuts too when I drive with my windows down in 50 degree weather 🙂

  4. Darn she’s onto us… quick faded WoW bloggers of yesteryear, we need to reunite and come up with a new plan. lets see for supplies we have a wiimote, a camara stand, 2 elastic bands and 7 inches of string…

    (I always sucked at pvp too, yet insisted on pvp servers, I mean having the horde and alliance being relatively buddy-buddy like you get on normal servers just takes away from the flavor of the game if you ask me)

  5. I think hunters are one of the easier classes to play on a pvp server. You can (most of the time) see someone before they see you. But I know where you’re coming from. I’ve been ganked so many times that I’ve had to quest in uncommon zones and log in at unearthly hours 🙁

  6. … and after all that, you still manage to rule the school, as the kids say.

    Okay, they might not say it but I DO gosh darn it to heck! Even when you’re putting up a “dark cloud” post, there’s still plenty of silver lining in it.

    Except for the taking out the trash part. That, er, reminds me…

  7. @ Phil: /hug

    @ Krizzlybear: I do Metalman first. Because that metal suit is made of sooo much win. Woodman is probably my favorite stage though >.>

    @ Awlbiste: 100% agreed… cold weather, ftw!

    @ Lienna: /giggle

    @ Ruuaarr: /hugs back

    @ Rokk: I like your language style, it sounds eerily similar to mine =P And no worries, not so much of a dark cloud post, mostly just a humor post =D

  8. Funny post!

    And yea, we all fail at Zozo.

    And I can’t do nothing without a fan in my face in a 50 degree room.

    And don’t worry, that trash will take out itself….I think that’s what my mom used to say anyhow?

  9. I can help you out with “making money ingame”.
    The scariest thing is Tamaryn’s mining. Having low mining is like having 0/2 go for the throat and 0/2 Bestial discipline. It means that you skipped about 10000G worth of mines during leveling. They were there, you saw them on the map, but “skill not high enough” when you tried to pick them. Ouch.

    About the rest? Apply for the goblin apprentice program! Since you are a blogger with further audience to reach, and your own point of view wrote on your site, you wouldn’t have to wait in line.

  10. “5. Dealing with the heat. There is no air conditioning either at my apartment or at work. Anything over 75 degrees Fahrenheit is too hot for me (I’m a T-shirt-in-55-degrees kinda girl). It’s been about 85-90 this past week. You can see my dilemma. /dies”

    I am in the range of , when snow sticks to the ground shorts & kilts are still in active rotation. some where I have an album of pics from all the times I’ve been caught standing in a snow drift in the wee hours bbq’ing wearing shorts & kilts with tank tops & sleeveless shirts… the -20 to -40F of the freezers at work doesn’t even phase me unless I’m tiresd & looking for a warm spot to curl up & hybernate for a few days..

    It’s a pitty “bear” has taken on a rather disturbing alternate meaning, I used to like that nickname.. which if you don’t know what a ‘bear’ is.. you’re probably better off.

  11. @ Gevlon – Actually what happened with Tamaryn is that I leveled as Leatherworking/Skinning before I decided I hated Leatherworking. So I dropped it and decided to pick up mining and powerlevel it up to the top so I could do that circle around Sholazar thing, but I got bored halfway through and going back to continue it sounds really unappealing =P So I’m not sure what I’m going to do with her professions to tell the truth…

  12. You will never catch me on a PvP server, ever. Trying to level on a server where as soon as you leave the safety of the starting zones puts you at the mercy of anyone of a higher level than you (god help you if they’re bored) just does not seem like a fun time to me. I’ll stick to my carebear servers, thanks.

    You don’t solo Chillmaw or is just a pain the rear to try to? (Sounds like a good subject for my first hunter movie, should I decide to make one.)

    I haven’t played any Mega Man games but have had several cases of video game frustration. Most of those cases end in broken controllers.

  13. @ Shagrat – I lack both the Tenacity Pet and the spec to solo Chillmaw with– I have tried and failed. Or maybe I should just add that to the list of things I suck at…

  14. Level your mining! It is totally worthwhile, even if the grind is boring and a pain. That’s my next project – leveling my gathering skills on my other toons (I’d better update my alt list, eh?)

    Grindal (was Masamba) is currently parked in Thunder Bluff. He used to gather Icethorn and Lichbloom to make flasks (after the lotus were purchased with the bank alt) but now I’m having him buy all the herbs. Started with 500g, wound up with 800g, bought more herbs and we’ll see how he fares tonight. I’ll want to be putting up more on Wed/Thurs because a lot of guilds raid on those nights. He’s elixir specced, so sometimes the Proc Gods are with me and I wind up with double the flasks.

    Enchanting has been reasonably good to me, too, as my warlock levels it I turn the good enchants into scrolls and sell ’em. A single dash around the lake in BT gets me enough herbs for my vellums (or Sholazar, omg). It would be more effective to DE the greens I get and sell the mats, but ‘m trying to be self-sufficient and slowly working at getting that skill up.

    Oh, Zozo. Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. D:

  15. #8 + #5 = OH SHIT. Bad, bad combo there.

    In other news, I encourage you to try for the Goblin Apprentice Program Thing. Gevlon really knows his stuff. And even if things don’t work out super well (he’s on the EU servers, but I’m sure there’s ways around that), he can at least give you a few very handy tips (which, yes, will involve a few new addons – but if you’re worried about your performance, you can have the majority of them only run on a bank alt).

  16. My first server was a PvP server, back in the Dark Ages. After 40 levels of leveling a mage in hostile territory and encountering nothing but rogues I soon rerolled on an RP server and never looked back. I still have nightmares of hearing that rogue “Whooosh” though.

    I have considered trying to solo Chillmaw on my hunter by virtue of kiting him to death, as I’ve done with other Elite mobs, but I have doubts I can pull it off; my pet is tenacity, but my gear is still wanting. Normally if I don’t feel like doing the other quests with people I just cheat and tell them I already did them, then go off and do the magic sword quests before coming back to do them later.

    And.. it’s been years since I ever touched a Mega Man game, otherwise I’d be able to comment further. I think I remember playing Mega Man 2 or 3, but it was on a friend’s console when I was visiting, long ago. Airman sounds oddly familiar, I do remember Metal Man though because I liked the name. My most distinct memory was of some boss in either Mega Man 2 or 3 named Bubble Man. He was an underwater boss whose main attack was shooting bubbles at you. I just watched for a moment, and started laughing.

    The upshot was that I almost died, busy laughing at the idea of a boss shooting bubbles at you.

  17. 🙁 Don’t stop blogging, us other dedicated Beast Masters live vicariously through you.

    I suck at PvP servers too, corpse camping makes me sad.

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