Who's On First

“Go back to your first few posts. Who was the first person to EVER comment on your blog? Call them out, link that post and thank them! Then tag a few folks to see who they call out.” – Cait at One Among Many

I still remember the day I started this blog. I’d been lurking around at BigRedKitty and The Hunter’s Mark and a few others for a while, soaking everything in and commenting on the rare occasion. A couple times, I thought about making a blog of my own, but that idea quickly evaporated, for it was a silly idea.

But I was playing more and more of the game and starting to get more opinions about it and I wanted a place to voice those opinions that was not my LiveJournal. Since most of my LJ friends wouldn’t have a clue about what I was talking about.

The solution, I decided, was to make someplace entirely new. Someplace where I could jot down all my thoughts on the game and feel satisfied that it was “out there”, but nobody would ever have to read it.

And so Aspect of the Hare was born. It was made knowing that nobody would ever see it and that nobody would ever read it and that I would lose motivation for it and jump ship a few months into it, the same way I did with a Linux help blog I’d started previously. I accepted this fate. I made my blog and made a couple of posts to go along with it. I didn’t advertise it. I didn’t put a blogroll on it because heaven forbid somebody I idolized such as Lass or BRK stumble across this laughable little upstart blog who was linking to them. (I’m just a little bit shy.)

Somehow though, presumably through my Blogger profile and the way I would comment occasionally at BRK, a couple people wound up here. And the award for First Aspect of the Hare Commenter Ever goes to…

Kestrel. Who commented on my second post.

“Heheh…interesting story. Would like to see characters like that on my server!

Glad I follow links from other blogs, else I might not have ended up here. I’m sure I’ll be back. :)”

Yes Kestrel, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: it is all your fault.

(Special runner-up award goes to Matticus for being one of the first people ever to link to me in an article he wrote. Waaay back in the day.)

I tag… whoever wants to participate. =P

P.S. Hi, WoWInsider. Welcome to my blog that I didn’t think anybody was ever going to read. Make yourselves at home?

15 thoughts on “Who's On First”

  1. That wacky Kestrel…always finding us hunters! It’s like…he was born to track us!!! Weird… >_>

    Glad to see you called him out too! I love seeing who people thank. It really spreads a lot of warm feelings around and I’m thrilled that so many people have taken part.


  2. 🙂

    I’m still coming to grips with the fact that I read a variety of WoW blogs on a daily basis now – something I would have never imagined a year ago in my pre-WoW life. Of course, now I can’t imagine my day complete without checking up on you all. (that sounds a bit stalkerish, doesn’t it?)

  3. LOL @ Cait. And I’m still around, still tracking hunters. Finally turned ONE of ’em into a priest, like whut happened to me! 😀

    Still enjoying your blog immensely, Pike…I’m so proud of you! 🙂

  4. My first comment on my blog (that I started only like a month ago) was actually you, Pike. I was like. Wow pike came to my blog??? I really didn’t think anybody would ever go there, but my brother-in-law. So, I felt like a celebrity stopped by. Too cool

  5. I just wanted to say that I discovered your blog recently. Love it, and you’re making me a better hunter. I’m paying more attention to how I play now, instead of “serpent, autoshot, is it dead yet?”
    Also, you’re the only other hunter I’ve seen who is crazy enough to go to the opposing faction starting area for a pet (I’ve done it twice, once for a moth and once for a dragonhawk).

    Anyway, thank you!

  6. Well, hehe.

    For the newbie hunters out there that do read Pike… hunters invented corpse running. :p How else do you guys think we got some of the weirder cross-faction pets we’ve picked up? ^_^

    I’m glad to see what Cait started has snow-balled through the community. I’m just waiting for Mania to get in on this… though… I’m too timid to tag her. Anyone else wanna try?

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