Got together with some guildies and went on a Necrotic Rune farming spree last night. Spent a bunch of ’em on some new shoulders. Went through the horrifying experience of watching my shiny new fully-enchanted epic shoulders not live up to my old blues, for the second time in the past month or so. (Later found out that my RatingBuster settings were somewhat out of whack, which might explain my tendency to misjudge.)
Oh well, I did manage to get my mitts on that Pocket Paladin, and on top of that, the first new tabard Tawyn has worn in well over a year:

I said she’d never take the other one off for aesthetic/RP reasons, but I think the new one fulfills both functions just fine, so, I am happy. And I can always put the other one back on if I change my mind.
Then I thought “Hey wait a minute, Lunapike needs gear!”
Off I hopped over to her and ran to Azshara. I was worried about running into a team of Alliance (this being a PvP server and all) but I managed to find a big group of undead all to myself and blissfully grinded away for quite some time. Also got both some epic leather and mail pants as drops from those rare spawns, but they’re uuugly (paladin-style armor on a hunter, seriously? =P), and it’s honestly debatable whether they’re better than my current blue pants or not, so… yar. I wound up with some new shoulders and new gloves, as well as the tabard. In all honesty Lunapike is lookin’ pretty good right now from a cosmetic standpoint, most everything she’s wearing is some variant or other of the same armor skin so she’s all matchy.

The Bare Minimum Things Left To Do before WotLK: New Karazhan boss with Tawyn, and get the Karazhan key on Lunapike. I know someone else can open the door for you now and heck, I don’t even know if Lunapike will get a chance to do Kara before Northrend opens up, but… it’s an important thing for me. Working my way through Karazhan with my friends was the highlight of Burning Crusade for me and I adore the lore behind it, so… I will have the key on two characters.
I should really put some pictures of my characters up! 🙂 You have inspired me!
I still say the Tabard of the Argent Dawn is the best looking tabard in the game, and I’m so glad I was able to get it back.
Wait, what? You found a group all to yourself? I eventually gave up because their were so many people I could never tag anything. How did you manage that? Are their other places to do the quests other then where the necropolises attack?
@ Timothy – That was me with Tawyn a few days ago. I think Lunapike got lucky today though, I chalk it up to four things:
1.) Doing it at 10am on a weekday
2.) Low-pop server
3.) A few days after it all started so the original “rush” quieted down a bit
and 4.) Rumor is Blizz upped the spawn rate.
I went back to the old invaded spots and was surprised to see that no one was around for once, though it was a little on the late side for my server. Now my only problem is them being 70, while I’m 65. Though my gorilla can sure take a beating. I also got to see what this crazy new flight path that appeared way at the top of my map of the Eastern Kingdoms.
Thanks for the reply. 🙂