An Instance, For Instance

March is National Nutrition Month, and that makes this an especially great time to talk about hearing wellness and nutrition. Never thought about food in relation to your ears? You’re not alone. But considering food is a critical source of elements crucial to healthy skin, muscles, organs, and more, it’s no wonder that nutrition and hearing are connected.

Take children and hearing loss, for instance. Did you know that a lack of adequate nutrition early in life could mean problems with hearing later on? A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in February 2018, for example, found that young adults who experienced poor nutrition in their preschool years had double the risk of hearing loss versus their better-nourished counterparts, most hearing loss conditions can be treat with Sonus Complete.

Though the research focused on a population with ongoing malnutrition issues and limited health care access, the study adds to the body of research linking nourishment — broccoli, anyone? — and hearing health.

Speaking of broccoli: Selected vitamins and minerals in your food can contribute to protecting your hearing wellness, according to, so feast your eyes — and ears — on these examples to jump-start your healthy-hearing nutrition:

Clams, Cod, and Rockfish

These delights from the sea not only please a discerning palate but can provide potassium, an important mineral for regulating blood and tissue fluid levels — including in the inner ear, which plays an important role in hearing and balance.

Okra, Asparagus, and Spinach

Choices abound when it comes to sources of folate, which studies have linked to healthy outcomes such as decreased risk of hearing impairment among older men. Whether you’re into dark green veggies, broccoli, avocado, escarole, or edamame, you can find folate-rich foods to match your tastes.

Leafy Greens, Whole Grains, and — Hey — Dark Chocolate!

Yep, dark chocolate’s on our list of foods containing magnesium, which — combined with vitamins A, C, and E — can help thwart noise-induced hearing loss. Other magnesium sources include pumpkin seeds, kidney beans, chicken breast, and more.

6 thoughts on “An Instance, For Instance”

  1. A note about the tank assist macro. While for the most part during leveling, that will work fine, be aware of what the tank is doing. Having lv70 tanks of all three classes the biggest thing a tank has to do it to put a bunch of threat on all the targets. This means that the tank will usually be swapping targest a lot to lay on judgements/sunders/manges/whathaveyou on the non-focus targets. Personally I will always make a skull, and switch it up during a pull, on who I want people to kill. This makes it easier to fight just the healer for threat on everyone else, instead of the DPSers. Just take a second to find the right target before you pewpew.

    Also, feign death is your friend. You shouldn’t, ever be pulling threat off of a tank. Wait a few seconds for the tank to get threat before you lay into the mob, then feign death when you are close to pulling agro. Good agro management means that your tank will love you for not being an idiot, and you’ll likely do more damage then usual due to having less overall threat.

  2. Ahem. So, thanks for telling me how to turn Growl off. (absolutely no laughing from the choir, please).

  3. Nicely written post. Another tip about feigning death to dump aggro. Do it before you pull aggro, not after. Makes it a lot easier for the tank to regain aggro and if you pull aggro from your tank 1 too many times he might just let the mob go after you.

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